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sample_code:start [2017/10/05 17:54] [Sample DroidScript Code]
sample_code:start [2018/12/30 13:55] [Sample DroidScript Code]
Line 1: Line 1:
-Online loging and register system +<Type Name="StackOverflowException" FullName="System.StackOverflowException"> 
-Notify Always Background runnging  +  <TypeSignature Language="C#" Value="public sealed class StackOverflowException : SystemException" /> 
-Best online  employees management app +  <TypeSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".class public auto ansi serializable sealed beforefieldinit StackOverflowException extends System.SystemException" /> 
-Please try and write post in my app +  <TypeSignature Language="DocId" Value="T:System.StackOverflowException" /> 
-Download link +  <TypeSignature Language="VB.NET" Value="Public NotInheritable Class StackOverflowException&#xA;Inherits SystemException" /> 
-  <TypeSignature Language="C++ CLI" Value="public ref class StackOverflowException sealed : SystemException" /> 
 +  <TypeSignature Language="F#" Value="type StackOverflowException = class&#xA;    inherit SystemException" /> 
 +  <AssemblyInfo> 
 +    <AssemblyName>mscorlib</AssemblyName> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +  </AssemblyInfo> 
 +  <AssemblyInfo> 
 +    <AssemblyName>netstandard</AssemblyName> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +  </AssemblyInfo> 
 +  <AssemblyInfo> 
 +    <AssemblyName>System.Runtime</AssemblyName> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +    <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +  </AssemblyInfo> 
 +  <Base> 
 +    <BaseTypeName>System.SystemException</BaseTypeName> 
 +  </Base> 
 +  <Interfaces /> 
 +  <Attributes> 
 +    <Attribute FrameworkAlternate="netframework-2.0;netframework-3.0;netframework-3.5;netframework-4.0;netframework-4.5;netframework-4.5.1;netframework-4.5.2;netframework-4.6;netframework-4.6.1;netframework-4.6.2;netframework-4.7;netframework-4.7.1;netframework-4.7.2;xamarinandroid-7.1;xamarinios-10.8;xamarinmac-3.0;netframework-4.8"> 
 +      <AttributeName>System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisible(true)</AttributeName> 
 +    </Attribute> 
 +    <Attribute FrameworkAlternate="netframework-1.1;netframework-2.0;netframework-3.0;netframework-3.5;netframework-4.0;netframework-4.5;netframework-4.5.1;netframework-4.5.2;netframework-4.6;netframework-4.6.1;netframework-4.6.2;netframework-4.7;netframework-4.7.1;netframework-4.7.2;netframework-4.8;xamarinandroid-7.1;xamarinios-10.8;xamarinmac-3.0"> 
 +      <AttributeName>System.Serializable</AttributeName> 
 +    </Attribute> 
 +  </Attributes> 
 +  <Docs> 
 +    <summary>The exception that is thrown when the execution stack overflows because it contains too many nested method calls. This class cannot be inherited.</summary> 
 +    <remarks> 
 +      <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[   
 +## Remarks   
 + <xref:System.StackOverflowException> is thrown for execution stack overflow errorstypically in case of a very deep or unbounded recursion.   
 + <xref:System.StackOverflowException> uses the HRESULT COR_E_STACKOVERFLOWwhich has the value 0x800703E9. The <xref:System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Localloc> intermediate language (IL) instruction throws <xref:System.StackOverflowException>. For a list of initial property values for a <xref:System.StackOverflowException> object, see the <xref:System.StackOverflowException.%23ctor%2A> constructors.   
 +## Version Considerations   
 + In the .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1, you could catch a <xref:System.StackOverflowException> object (for example, to recover from unbounded recursion). Starting with the .NET Framework 2.0, you can't catch a <xref:System.StackOverflowException> object with a `try`/`catch` block, and the corresponding process is terminated by default. Consequently, you should write your code to detect and prevent a stack overflow. For example, if your app depends on recursion, use a counter or a state condition to terminate the recursive loop. The following example uses a counter to ensure that the number of recursive calls to the `Execute` method do not exceed a maximum defined by the MAX_RECURSIVE_CALLS constant.   
 + [!code-csharp[System.StackOverflowException.Class#1](~/samples/snippets/csharp/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.stackoverflowexception.class/cs/example1a.cs#1)] 
 + [!code-vb[System.StackOverflowException.Class#1](~/samples/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_CLR_System/system.stackoverflowexception.class/vb/example1a.vb#1)]   
 +> [!NOTE] 
 +>  Applying the <xref:System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute> attribute to a method that throws a <xref:System.StackOverflowException> has no effect. You still cannot handle the exception from user code.   
 + If your app hosts the common language runtime (CLR), it can specify that the CLR should unload the application domain where the stack overflow exception occurs and let the corresponding process continue. For more information, see [ICLRPolicyManager Interface](~/docs/framework/unmanaged-api/hosting/  
 + ]]></format> 
 +    </remarks> 
 +    <altmember cref="T:System.Exception" /
 +    <related type="Article" href="~/docs/standard/exceptions/">Handling and Throwing Exceptions</related> 
 +  </Docs> 
 +  <Members> 
 +    <MemberGroup MemberName=".ctor"> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>mscorlib</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <Docs> 
 +        <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.StackOverflowException" /> class.</summary> 
 +      </Docs> 
 +    </MemberGroup> 
 +    <Member MemberName=".ctor"> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public StackOverflowException ();" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="DocId" Value="M:System.StackOverflowException.#ctor" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="VB.NET" Value="Public Sub New ()" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C++ CLI" Value="public:&#xA; StackOverflowException();" /> 
 +      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>mscorlib</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>netstandard</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>System.Runtime</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <Parameters /> 
 +      <Docs> 
 +        <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.StackOverflowException" /> class, setting the <see cref="P:System.Exception.Message" /> property of the new instance to a system-supplied message that describes the error, such as "The requested operation caused a stack overflow." This message takes into account the current system culture.</summary> 
 +        <remarks> 
 +          <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[   
 +## Remarks   
 + The following table shows the initial property values for an instance of <xref:System.StackOverflowException>  
 +|<xref:System.Exception.Message%2A>|The localized error message string.|   
 + ]]></format> 
 +        </remarks> 
 +      </Docs> 
 +    </Member> 
 +    <Member MemberName=".ctor"> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public StackOverflowException (string message);" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(string message) cil managed" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="DocId" Value="M:System.StackOverflowException.#ctor(System.String)" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="VB.NET" Value="Public Sub New (message As String)" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C++ CLI" Value="public:&#xA; StackOverflowException(System::String ^ message);" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="F#" Value="new StackOverflowException : string -&gt; StackOverflowException" Usage="new System.StackOverflowException message" /> 
 +      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>mscorlib</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>netstandard</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>System.Runtime</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <Parameters> 
 +        <Parameter Name="message" Type="System.String" /> 
 +      </Parameters> 
 +      <Docs> 
 +        <param name="message">A <see cref="T:System.String" /> that describes the error. The content of message is intended to be understood by humans. The caller of this constructor is required to ensure that this string has been localized for the current system culture.</param> 
 +        <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.StackOverflowException" /> class with a specified error message.</summary> 
 +        <remarks> 
 +          <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[   
 +## Remarks   
 + The following table shows the initial property values for an instance of <xref:System.StackOverflowException>  
 +|<xref:System.Exception.InnerException%2A>|A null reference (`Nothing` in Visual Basic).|   
 +|<xref:System.Exception.Message%2A>|The error message string.|   
 + ]]></format> 
 +        </remarks> 
 +      </Docs> 
 +    </Member> 
 +    <Member MemberName=".ctor"> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C#" Value="public StackOverflowException (string message, Exception innerException);" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="ILAsm" Value=".method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor(string message, class System.Exception innerException) cil managed" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="DocId" Value="M:System.StackOverflowException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="VB.NET" Value="Public Sub New (message As String, innerException As Exception)" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="C++ CLI" Value="public:&#xA; StackOverflowException(System::String ^ message, Exception ^ innerException);" /> 
 +      <MemberSignature Language="F#" Value="new StackOverflowException : string * Exception -&gt; StackOverflowException" Usage="new System.StackOverflowException (message, innerException)" /> 
 +      <MemberType>Constructor</MemberType> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>mscorlib</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion>1.0.5000.0</AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>netstandard</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <AssemblyInfo> 
 +        <AssemblyName>System.Runtime</AssemblyName> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +        <AssemblyVersion></AssemblyVersion> 
 +      </AssemblyInfo> 
 +      <Parameters> 
 +        <Parameter Name="message" Type="System.String" /> 
 +        <Parameter Name="innerException" Type="System.Exception" /> 
 +      </Parameters> 
 +      <Docs> 
 +        <param name="message">The error message that explains the reason for the exception.</param> 
 +        <param name="innerException">The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the <paramref name="innerException" /> parameter is not a null reference (<see langword="Nothing" /> in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a <see langword="catch" /> block that handles the inner exception.</param> 
 +        <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.StackOverflowException" /> class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.</summary> 
 +        <remarks> 
 +          <format type="text/markdown"><![CDATA[   
 +## Remarks   
 + An exception that is thrown as a direct result of a previous exception can include a reference to the previous exception in the <xref:System.Exception.InnerException%2A> property. The <xref:System.Exception.InnerException%2A> property returns the same value that is passed into the constructor, or a null reference (`Nothing` in Visual Basic) if the <xref:System.Exception.InnerException%2A> property does not supply the inner exception value to the constructor.   
 + The following table shows the initial property values for an instance of <xref:System.StackOverflowException>  
 +|<xref:System.Exception.InnerException%2A>|The inner exception reference.|   
 +|<xref:System.Exception.Message%2A>|The error message string.|   
 + ]]></format> 
 +        </remarks> 
 +        <altmember cref="T:System.Exception" /> 
 +        <related type="Article" href="~/docs/standard/exceptions/">Handling and Throwing Exceptions</related> 
 +      </Docs> 
 +    </Member> 
 +  </Members> 
 ====Sample programs==== ====Sample programs====
 [[Dice]]- This is a simple dice game. \\ [[Dice]]- This is a simple dice game. \\
Line 51: Line 256:
 [[sample_code:superuser|superuser on rooted device]]\\ [[sample_code:superuser|superuser on rooted device]]\\
 [[sample_code:shell|shell access]]\\ [[sample_code:shell|shell access]]\\
 +[[sample_code:listroots|list writeable mounted paths]] - List free space on mounted writeable paths\\
 [[sample_code:Using app.Execute]] - How to use app.Execute to get DS to respond to buttons/links etc in a Webview\\ [[sample_code:Using app.Execute]] - How to use app.Execute to get DS to respond to buttons/links etc in a Webview\\
 [[sample_code:file_service|Website File Check Service]] - Service to keep checking whether a file on a webserver has changed\\ [[sample_code:file_service|Website File Check Service]] - Service to keep checking whether a file on a webserver has changed\\
Line 76: Line 282:
 [[sample_code:textedit_search|TextEdit Search]] - Search for string in a TextEdit control \\ [[sample_code:textedit_search|TextEdit Search]] - Search for string in a TextEdit control \\
 [[sample_code:hexview|File Hex Viewer]] display a file in hex\\ [[sample_code:hexview|File Hex Viewer]] display a file in hex\\
 +[[sample_code:Search |]]   search   \\
 ---- ----
sample_code/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/24 16:49 by al4he6