//Called when application is started. var a = 0 var b =0 var chk = true function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,Horizontal,FillXY" ); //Create Layout layhor= app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter" ); layhor.SetSize(0.45,1) //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt = app.CreateText( "You" ); txt.SetTextSize( 25 ); layhor.AddChild( txt ); lay.AddChild( layhor ); //Create Text txts = app.CreateText(0) layhor.AddChild(txts ); //CreateButton btn1 = app.CreateButton("Throw") btn1.SetOnTouch( clc ); layhor.AddChild(btn1 ); // Create text txtsc = app.CreateText(0) layhor.AddChild(txtsc ); //Create layout laycent= app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vcenter" ); laycent.SetSize(.1,1 ); //Create Text txtdice= app.CreateText( "45" ); txtdice.SetTextSize(35 ); laycent.AddChild( txtdice ); lay.AddChild(laycent ); //Create Layout layhor2 = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter" ); layhor2.SetSize(0.45,1 ); txt2 = app.CreateText( "Phone" ); txt2.SetTextSize( 25 ); layhor2.AddChild( txt2 ); // Create Text texts = app.CreateText(0) layhor2.AddChild(texts ); //Create Button btn2 = app.CreateButton("Throw") btn2.SetOnTouch( clc2 ); layhor2.AddChild(btn2 ); // Create Text textsc = app.CreateText(0) layhor2.AddChild(textsc ); lay.AddChild( layhor2 ); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); } function clc() { txts.SetTextColor( "#ffffffff" ); if(chk){ texts.SetTextColor( "#44ffffff" ); txtdice.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" ); var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*10) var num2= Math.floor(Math.random()*10) txtdice.SetText(num ); txts.SetText(num2 ); if(num==num2){ a++ txtsc.SetText(a); txts.SetTextColor( "#22ff22" ); txtdice.SetTextColor( "#22ff22" ); over() } chk= false app.Wait(1.5) if(a<10||b<10){ app.SimulateTouch(btn2 ); } } else{app.ShowPopup("Not You")} } function clc2() { texts.SetTextColor( "#ffffffff" ); if(!chk){ txts.SetTextColor( "#44ffffff" ); txtdice.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" ); var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*10) var num2= Math.floor(Math.random()*10) txtdice.SetText(num ); texts.SetText(num2 ); if(num==num2){ b++ textsc.SetText(b); txtdice.SetTextColor( "#ff00ffff" ); texts.SetTextColor( "#ff00ffff" ); over() } chk = true } else{ app.ShowPopup("Not You" );} } function over(){ if(a>9){ alert( txt.GetText()+" have won") replay() } if(b>9){ alert("The "+txt2.GetText()+" has won") replay() } } function replay(){ if(confirm("Do you want to play again")){ a=0 b=0 txtsc.SetText(0); textsc.SetText(0 ); } else{app.Exit()} }