=====ListFolder===== //(Information and examples taken from the DroidScript documentation)// ====Description==== The **ListFolder** method lists all the files and sub folder names in a given path to a comma seperated list. The 'filter' parameter is an optional text parameter which allows you to specify a filter pattern. For example to find only mp3 files, you would specify ".mp3" as a filter Note: ListFolder returns a JavaScript array. list = app.ListFolder( path, filter, limit, options ); ---- ====Example - Basic==== function OnStart() { list = app.ListFolder( "/sdcard/" ); app.ShowPopup( list ); } ====Example - Filtered==== function OnStart() { list = app.ListFolder( "/sdcard", ".mp3" ); app.ShowPopup( list ); } ====Example - Limited==== function OnStart() { //Find first ten mp4 files on internal sdcard. mp4List = app.ListFolder( "/sdcard", ".mp4", 10 ); app.ShowPopup( mp4List ); } ---- ====Options==== | alphasort | sort a list of folders in alphabetical order | | FullPath | returns a list with the Fullpath of the content |