====== Connect ====== The **Connect** method connects to the Bluetooth device with given **name**. nxt.Connect( name ); ==== Example - auto connect to NXT brick on application start ==== Code by Dave Smart from AndroidScript forum. //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Create our screen layout. //CreateLayout(); //Create NXT controller object. nxt = app.CreateNxt(); //Connect to NXT by name. var deviceName = "myNXTbrick"; var paired = nxt.IsPaired( deviceName ); if (paired) { app.ShowProgress( "Connecting to "+deviceName+"..." ); nxt.SetOnConnect( nxt_OnConnect ); nxt.Connect( deviceName ); } } //Handle successful brick connection. function nxt_OnConnect( success, nxt ) { if( success ) nxt.Beep( 2000, 200 ); else app.Alert( "Failed to connect!" ); app.HideProgress(); }