====== Google Maps ====== This is the base information on using intents to call the Google Maps app. [[https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android-api/intents]] ===== Basic Map ===== This intent call the Google Maps app to draw a map with its centre at the location provided by latitude and longitude. function OnStart() { var lat="51.5117"; var lng="-0.1275"; simpleMap(lat,lng); } function simpleMap(latitude,longitude) { var packageName = "com.google.android.apps.maps"; var className = null; var action = "android.intent.action.VIEW"; var uri = "geo:"+latitude+","+longitude; if(app.IsAppInstalled( packageName )) app.SendIntent( packageName, className, action,null,uri ); else { app.Alert("maps app not installed"); app.OpenUrl("market://details?id="+packageName); } } ===== Turn by Turn Navigation ===== This function could be used instead of simpleMap above to start navigating towards the destination. function navigateTo(latitude,longitude) { var packageName = "com.google.android.apps.maps"; var className = null; var action = "android.intent.action.VIEW"; var uri = "google.navigation:q="+latitude+","+longitude; if(app.IsAppInstalled( packageName )) app.SendIntent( packageName, className, action,null,uri ); else app.Alert("maps app not installed"); }