====== Button styles ====== This is the sample provided with DroidScript. It is reproduced here mainly as an introduction to Custom Buttons function OnStart() { lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical,FillXY" ); //--- Standard buttons --- layDark = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical" ); layDark.SetBackColor( "black" ); layDark.SetPadding( 0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05 ); lay.AddChild( layDark ); b1 = app.CreateButton( "Normal", 0.7 ); layDark.AddChild( b1 ); b2 = app.CreateButton( "Gray", 0.7, -1, "Gray" ); layDark.AddChild( b2 ); b3 = app.CreateButton( "Alum", 0.7, -1, "Alum" ); layDark.AddChild( b3 ); //--- Custom buttons --- layLight = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical" ); layLight.SetBackColor( "white" ); layLight.SetPadding( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ); lay.AddChild( layLight ); //style params: color1,color2,radius,strokeClr,strokeWidth,shadow b4 = app.CreateButton( "Custom", 0.7, -1, "Custom" ); b4.SetStyle( "#4285F4", "#4285F4", 4 ); layLight.AddChild( b4 ); b5 = app.CreateButton( "Custom", 0.7, -1, "Custom" ); b5.SetStyle( "#ff0000", "#aa0000", 10 ); b5.SetTextShadow( 2, 0, 1, "#880000" ); layLight.AddChild( b5 ); b6 = app.CreateButton( "Custom", 0.7, -1, "Custom,HTML" ); b6.SetStyle( "#22aa22", "#22aa22", 20, "#228822", 2, 0 ); layLight.AddChild( b6 ); var txt = "C" + "usto" + "m"; b7 = app.CreateButton( txt, 0.7, -1, "Custom,HTML" ); b7.SetStyle( "#ffffff", "#cccccc", 20, "#999999", 1, 0 ); layLight.AddChild( b7 ); app.AddLayout( lay ); }