====== Image button toggle ====== This code was written in response to a request for a Toggle Image Button. The main body of the code is the function CreateImageToggle(img1,img2) The images can be passed either as file-paths or as images The sample code passes one of each. The first image decides the size of the button. In case it is not obvious, the actual toggling is done in the OnTouchDown handler. You could move this to any of the OnTouch events but be aware that some of them (such as SetOnTouch) may fire more often than you expect. ===== The code ===== //Called when application is started. function  OnStart() {     // Create layout      lay  =  app.CreateLayout( "linear",  "VCenter,FillXY" );             // Create resized first image for the button      var  pauseImg  =  app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid1.png", 0.1, -1);        //Create the button with OnTouchDown event      btn  =  CreateImageToggle(pauseImg,  "/Sys/Img/Droid2.png" ) ;     btn.SetOnTouchDown(btnToggle);         lay.AddChild( btn );         //Add layout to app.          app.AddLayout( lay ); } function  btnToggle(ev) {    this.Toggle  =  ! this.Toggle;    if (this.Toggle) {       this.SetImage(this.imgTrue);       app.ShowPopup("Playing");    }  else {       this.SetImage(this.imgFalse);       app.ShowPopup("Paused");    } } function  CreateImageToggle(img1, img2) {   // accepts images or file-paths    //img1 represents false, img2 true(toggled)    if  (typeof  img1  ==  "string")  {      img1  =  app.CreateImage(img1);   }   if  (typeof  img2  ==  "undefined") {     img2  =  img1;   }  else  if  (typeof  img2  ==  "string")  {     img2  =  app.CreateImage(img2, img1.GetWidth(), img1.GetHeight());   }   var  obj  =  app.CreateImage(null, img1.GetWidth(), img1.GetHeight());   obj.SetImage(img1); obj.Toggle  =  false;   obj.imgFalse  =  img1; obj.imgTrue  =  img2;   return  obj; } ===== Note ===== This code has had only rudimentary testing. You may well be able to improve it