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The SendMail function sends a message to the NXT brick's mail box. This message can be read using a normal NXT-G program running on the brick. This allows you to communicate with NXT-G programs from your phone or tablet.

The mailbox parameter is the target mailbox number and can be a value between 1 and 10.

The type parameter should be one of the following values: “Text”, “Number” or “Logic” depending on what type of value you wish to send to the brick's mailbox.

nxt.SendMail( mailbox, type, message );

Example - Send message to mailbox 1

function OnStart()
  nxt = app.CreateNxt();
  app.SetMenu( "Connect,SendMail" );
function OnMenu( name )
  if( name=="Connect" )
  else if( name=="SendMail" )
    nxt.SendMail( 1, "Text", "Hello" );