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App Icon

If the image has exactly the same name as the app, it will be used as the app icon

e.g. if your script is called “MyApp” the icon should be “MyApp.png”.

That's the same whether your app is a .js or .html based app.

(Chris Hopkin on Google Group…)

If you want to change your App icon, you will need to copy a .png image file to your App's Img assets folder. The name of the image file should be the same as your App name, e.g.


The easiest way to do this is from the assets tab in the Wifi IDE -

(Steve Garman on Google Group…)

DroidScript needs to make versions of your launcher icon in several sizes.

I recommend including a png 192 pixels square so it will scale well.

You will also need a version 512 px square if to upload to Google Play, if relevant.

You might be interested in these guidlines as well