Add an Event into the Calendar

(It prompts the user to Save the event)

function cal_si_insert() {
var today = new Date().getTime();
var packageName = null;
var className = null;
var action = "android.intent.action.INSERT";
var category = null;
var uri = "android.intent.Events.CONTENT_URI";
var type = "";
var extras = [
{name:"description", type:"string", value:"DS SendIntent Description"},
{name:"title", type:"string", value: "DS SendIntent Title"},
{name:"beginTime", type:"long", value: today},
{name:"eventLocation", type:"string", value: "DS SendIntent Address"},
{name:"endTime", type:"long", value: today + 3600000},
extras = JSON.stringify( extras );
app.SendIntent( packageName, className, action, category, uri, type, extras );