Table of Contents

Stopwatch Plugin

This is a my private plugin i used for checking code execution time between functions/methods. But it can also be used for other purposes. You can make an interface with buttons for start and stop time and display difference between them. Currently it does not have a LAP method, but i have ideas already for this… will update this plugin on a later date. I have attached 4 files to build the zip-plugin file. You simply need to build these into a zip file and put it into a folder called /sdcard/DroidScript/Plugins on your device and DroidScript will import it into the plugins list along with the documentation.

After DroidScript is executed, the plugin will appear in the plugin menu and it's documentation will be accessible.


Nelson Tengkiat (dated: Aug 8, 2016)

Usage of the Example

First Step:

Since i don't have enough rights to post the ZIP file. You simply need to download all the files need to build this plugin yourself by zipping the file.

Download the following 4 Files:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!-- /use &emsp; as tabs &nbsp; as space -->
<div data-role="page" data-theme="a">
	<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
		<a href='#' class='ui-btn-left' data-icon='arrow-l' data-theme="c" onclick="history.back(); return false">Back</a>
		<h1>Stopwatch Plugin</h1>
	</div><!-- /header -->
	<div data-role="content">	
		<p>In order to use Stopwatch functions plugin, you must first load 
		the plugin at the top of your script using the <b>LoadPlugin</b> method 
		like this:</p>
		<div class="samp">
			<div id="plug1">
			// Load the Stopwatch plugin<br>
			app.LoadPlugin( "Stopwatch" );<br>
		<div name="divCopy" align="right">
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="copy(plug1)">&nbsp;&nbsp;Copy&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
	<p>Then you can create an instance of the plugin object when you need it like this:</p>
		<div class="samp">
			<div id="plug2">
			&emsp;plg = app.CreateStopwatch( );</div>
			<div name="divCopy" align="right">
				<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="copy(plug2)">&emsp;Copy&emsp;</a>
		<p><span style="color:#0099CC"><large><b>Version Information</b></large></span><br>
		You can get the plugin version by calling <b>GetVersion( )</b> for program use or 
		toast display the version by calling <b>ShowVersion( )</b><br>
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>GetVersion( ) - returns string</h3>
			&emsp;- returns version string
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>ShowVersion( )</h3>
			&emsp;- toast display the version number
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>Example - Get / Show Version</h3>
			<div id="sam_ver" style="font-size:80%">
				function OnStart( ) {<br>
				&emsp;// make buttons on screen<br>
				&emsp;btn = app.CreateButton("Get Version",0.3,-1,'gray');<br>
				&emsp;btn = app.CreateButton("Show Version",0.3,-1,'gray');<br>
				&emsp;btn = app.CreateButton("Exit",0.3,-1,'gray');<br>
				function btnGetVer( ) {<br>
				<b id="sam_snip"  style="font-size:100%">
				&emsp;plg = app.CreateStopwatch( );<br>
				&emsp;app.ShowPopup( 'Stopwatch version '+plg.GetVersion( ), 'bottom,short' );</b><br>
				function btnShowVer( ) {<br>
				&emsp;plg = app.CreateStopwatch( );<br>
				function btnExit( ) { app.Exit( ); }<br>
			<div name="divCopy" align="right">
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="copy(sam_snip)">&emsp;&emsp;Copy&emsp;&emsp;</a>
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="copy(sam_ver)">Copy All</a>
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="demo(sam_ver)">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Run&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>
		<p>You must issue a <b>Start( )</b> function to start the timer
		when an action is complete a <b>Stop( )</b> function should be declared.</p>
		To compare the time passed between two points of time.
		The <b>Time( option )</b> function takes an optional <b>"milli"</b> option
		that provides time accuracy to the milliseconds.<br>
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>Example - Stopwatch</h3>
			<div id="examp2" style="font-size:80%">
				//called when the application is started.<br>
				function OnStart( ) {<br>
				&emsp;lay = app.CreateLayout("Linear","VCenter,FillXY");<br>
				&emsp;// create screen buttons<br>
				&emsp;btn1 = app.CreateButton("Start",0.5,-1,'gray');<br>
				&emsp;btn1.SetTextSize( 18 );<br>
				&emsp;btn1.SetOnTouch( StartClock );<br>
				&emsp;btn2 = app.CreateButton("Elapse Time",0.5,-1,'gray');<br>
				&emsp;btn2.SetTextSize( 18 );<br>
				&emsp;btn2.SetOnTouch( StopClock );<br>
				&emsp;btn3 = app.CreateButton("Exit",0.5,-1,'gray');<br>
				&emsp;btn3.SetTextSize( 18 );<br>
				&emsp;btn3.SetOnTouch( Exit );<br>
				&emsp;// layout the screen<br>
				&emsp;lay.AddChild( btn1 );<br>
				&emsp;lay.AddChild( btn2 );<br>
				&emsp;lay.AddChild( btn3 );<br>
				&emsp;app.AddLayout( lay );<br>
				&emsp;plg_sw = app.CreateStopwatch( );<br>
				// start the clock<br>
				function StartClock( ) {<br>
				&emsp;plg_sw.Start( );<br>
				&emsp;app.ShowPopup('Starting the clock','bottom');<br>
				// stop the clock<br>
				function StopClock( ) {<br>
				&emsp;plg_sw.Stop( );<br>
				&emsp;app.ShowPopup('Time Elapsed: '+plg_sw.Time('milli'),'bottom');<br>
				// exit the app<br>
				function Exit( ) {<br>
			<div name="divCopy" align="right">
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="copy(examp2)">Copy All</a>
			<a href="#" data-role="button" data-mini="true" data-inline="true" onclick="demo(examp2)">&emsp;Run&emsp;</a>
		<p>The following methods are available on the Stopwatch object:</p>
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>Start( )</h3>
			&emsp;- Start the timer
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>Stop( )</h3>
			&emsp;- Stop the timer
		<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true"  data-mini="true" data-theme="a" data-content-theme="b">
			<h3>Time( option ) - returns string</h3>
			&emsp;<b>option</b> (optional) - option <b>milli</b> for accuracy to the milliseconds<br>
			&emsp;- handles milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days of time since started<br>
			&emsp;- returns a time formatted string of days, hours, mins, secs, milliseconds
		<p>This DS Code plugin was written by Nelson Tengkiat, it is free to 
		use in your projects. <b> A credit line if used would be nice :)</b>
	</div><!-- /content -->
</div><!-- /page -->
Stopwatch Library
Code Author by: Nelson Tengkiat
Stopwatch version history
1.00 dated: pre 2016
- initial code not yet plugin
1.10 dated: jan 25, 2016
- initial creation of plugin
- not release to public
- added GetVersion(), Help();
- added int addZero(i);
- added pub Help(), Start(), Stop(), Time(option)
1.11 dated: jan 30, 2016
- added help function
- edited stopwatch example program
1.12 dated: jan 31, 2016
- edited stopwatch example program
- initialize stopwatch value to 0
todo: add laps
// ******************************
// * Library Creation
// ******************************
// stopwatch script
app.CreateStopwatch = function() { return new sWatch();}
// ******************************
// * Stopwatch functions
// ******************************
// show time difference on the stopwatch
// option - milli (for accuracy)
function sWatch() {
	//app.SetDebugEnabled(false); // disable debug
	// ******************************
	// * global vars
	// ******************************
	// stopwatch global var
	var o_sw = {
		// code version
		"ver": '1.12',
		"start": 0,
		"stop": 0,
		"time": 0
	var shelp=
	  'function StopWatch()\n\n'+
	  '  Start() - start the watch\n'+
	  '  Stop() - stop the watch\n'+
	  '  Time() - time diffrence\n';
	// ******************************
    // * Get / Show version
    // ******************************
	// return the version number
	this.GetVersion = function () { return o_sw.ver }
	// show version on screen
	this.ShowVersion = function () {
		ss='sWatch ver '+this.GetVersion();
	// ******************************
    // * Internal functions
    // ******************************
	// pad zero in front if less than 2 char
	addZero = function (i) {
		if (i < 10) { i = "0" + i; }
		return i
	} // function addZero(i)
	// ******************************
    // * Public functions
    // ******************************
	// give the help screen
	this.Help = function () { alert(shelp); }
	// start the stopwatch. save ticks
	this.Start = function () {
		app.SetDebugEnabled(false); // disable debug
		o_sw.start=new Date().getTime();
		app.SetDebugEnabled(true); // re-enable debug
	// stop the stopwatch
	this.Stop = function () {
		app.SetDebugEnabled(false); // disable debug
		o_sw.stop=new Date().getTime();
		app.SetDebugEnabled(true); // re-enable debug
	// show time difference on the stopwatch
	// option - milli (for accuracy)
	this.Time = function (option) {
		app.SetDebugEnabled(false); // disable debug
		var days=hrs=mins=secs=milli=0;
		var str=""; unt=tmp=0;
		var lap=o_sw.time;
		// days
		if (days!="00") unt++;
		// hours
		if (hrs!="00") unt++;
		// minutes
		if (mins!="00") unt++;
		// seconds
		if (secs!="00") unt++;
		// make sure millisecs is 3 digits
		while (milli.length<3) {milli="0"+milli}
		// add string of units
		switch (unt) {
			case 0: str=milli+" millisecs"; break;
			case 1:
				if (option=="milli") str=secs+"."+milli+" secs";
				else str=secs+" secs";
			case 2:
				if (option=="milli") str=mins+":"+secs+"."+milli+" mins";
				else str=mins+":"+secs+" mins";
			case 3:
				if (option=="milli") str=hrs+"hrs "+mins+":"+secs+"."+milli+" mins";
				else str=hrs+"hrs "+mins+":"+secs+"mins";
			case 4:
				if (option=="milli") str=days+" days "+hrs+":"+mins+" hrs "+secs+"."+milli+" secs";
				else str=days+" days "+hrs+":"+mins+"hrs "+secs+'.'+milli+'secs';
		//app.SetDebugEnabled(true); // re-enable debug
		return str;
	} // Time (option)
	//app.SetDebugEnabled(true); // re-enable debug
} // sWatch()

Second Step:

Create a Zip-folder called “” and copy this folder to the right path on your android-device:

How can you uninstall your plugin?

This is a copy of the uninstall program from a different section of this wiki site.

//Called when application is started.
function OnStart()
    //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );    
    //Create a text label and add it to layout.
    txt = app.CreateTextEdit( "" );
    txt.SetHint("Plugin to delete")
    lay.AddChild( txt );
    btn=app.CreateButton("Delete Plugin");
    privFldr = app.GetPrivateFolder( "Plugins" );
    plgins = app.ListFolder(privFldr);
    lvw = app.CreateListView( plgins, "Select a Plugin for uninstalling or press Back" );
    lvw.SetOnTouch( lvw_OnTouch );
    //Add layout to app.    
    app.AddLayout( lay );
function lvw_OnTouch( item )
  txt.SetText( item );
function DeleteUserPlugin()
    var plg = "" + txt.GetText()
    if (plg == "") return;
    plugDir = privFldr + "/" + plg.toLowerCase();
    if (app.FolderExists(plugDir))
       var list = app.ListFolder(plugDir);
       var yesNo = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Do you really want to uninstall the plugin " + txt.GetText() + "? \nThe following files or folders will be all deleted:\n\n" + list + "\n\nIt is no way for undo!");
       yesNo.SetOnTouch( yesNo_OnTouch );
function yesNo_OnTouch( yesNoresult )
    if( yesNoresult == "Yes" )
        app.Alert("Plugin " + txt.GetText() + " uninstalled!");
        app.ShowPopup("No changings!");