Table of Contents

DS 1.50


- Added dt (time diff) parameter to app.Animate callback.

- Fixed missing OnCancel callback in Custom dialogs.

- Added obj.ClearFocus method.

- Fixed SetOnEnter method for edit boxes ('SingleLine' mode only)

- Fixed lay.SetTouchable bug for overlapping layouts.

- Added Copy option to DS app menu.

- Added 'install now' option after APK builds.

- Changed to 'Share via Email' option to 'Share SPK' (now works with gdrive)

- Added warning about .wav and .mpg files not working in APKs

- Added app.SendText() method (useful for sharing text with other apps)

- Added extra 'choose' parameter to app.SendFile method.

- Image control in 'TouchThrough' mode now fires touch callbacks.

- Orientation sensor now works for devices with no magnetometer (azimuth is always zero).

- Added 'TouchSpy' option to layouts (spies on touch events to all children)

- Added app.IsCharging and app.GetChargeType() methods.

- Added app.SetSpeakerPhone() and app.GetSpeakerPhone() methods.

- Added app.Animate() method (use instead of setInterval for smoother animation).

- Added app.SetPriority() method to change GUI thread priority ('Low','Medium','High').

- Change game samples to use app.Animate() (gives smoother framerate).

- Using _AddOption( “NoDom” ) now forces app into high performance mode.

- APK 'Network' permissions issue fixed for app.WifiConnect, app.SetOnWifiChange.

- Added 'TouchThrough' option to Image control.

- Added SetOnDownload method to Downloader object.

- Added optional 'name' parameter to Downloader.Download method.

- Added file download sample and fixed download error reporting.

- Added app.WifiConnect( ssid,key ) method.

- Added app.IsConnected() method (detects any network connection).

- Added app.SetOnWifiChange(), fires event with params 'state' and 'ssid'.

- Fix for AndroidThings preview3 or Raspberry Pi.

- Web Server WebSocket sending now works inside services.

- Unplugging and plugging OTG/USB keyboards will not stop DS now.

- Building HTML apps with obfuscation now works.

- Back/arrow keys not responding in dialogs with Gboard fixed.

- Flags data now added to activity intent json results.

- Link to video tutorial now in docs.

- Added Google Analytics support + premium sample.

- Fixed SMS non-number (carrier) text messages causing error

- When an SMS is received the 'number' param no longer drops the leading “+” sign.

- JS alert boxes now are now themed (disable with app.SetOptions(“NoThemeAlerts”)).

- Fixed flip animation x2 speed and callback issues.

- Fixed Sony SmartWatch2 issues.



- Added support for Android Things. - Add shop to DS menus. - Updated to FontAwesome 4.7

- Added tweening support + 'Image Tween' sample.

- Wifi editor remote file browser now shows hidden files.

- Fixed DS crashing on JellyBean 4.1.1

- Fixed 'Sensors' sample (SetOrientation callback was firing too early).

- Added SetButtonText() method to YesNoDialog.

- Added 'FillXY','FillX','FillY','Wrap' options to obj.SetSize() method.

- app.ListFolder now supports the 'Regex', 'FilesOnly', 'FoldersOnly' options.

- Added SetLanguage() method to CodeEdit (.js,.java,.php,.c,.cpp,.cs,.rb,.m,.py,.txt)

- Added app.DiscoverBtDevices(), app.PairBtDevice(), app.UnpairBtDevice(), app.IsBtDevicePaired().

- Added app.WakeUp() and app.Unlock() methods

- Added dlg.EnableBackKey() and dlg.SetOnBack() methods.

- Added “progress” option to WebView (shows progress spinner).

- Added SetRedirect( urlFrom, urlTo ) method to WebView.