DS 1.54


- Fixed error handling override on webview (SetOnError method).

- Fixed files list not being hidden when showing docs/samples.

- Fixed launcher text size on low-res phones.

- Fixed language download problems on Kitkat devices.

- Fixed language download problems on JellyBean devices.

- Added USB serial support for Pimoroni Flotilla Dock and AdaFruit Circuit Playground.

- Added support for spanish language, docs and samples.

- Fixed problem with editing HTML files with multi-file version of DS.

- Added multi-file handling to device editor.

- Keyboard navigation added to device editor (Ctrl-I,Ctrl-SPACE,Ctrl-O).

- Added Ctrl-C,Ctrl-V,Ctrl-X,Ctrl-Z,Ctrl-Y,Ctrl-A,Ctrl-D handling to device editor.

- Added Ctrl-F,Ctrl-H,Ctrl-K,Ctrl-S handling to device editor.

- Added Tab/Shift-Tab indent/outdent to device editor for physical keyboards.

- Added SetEllipsize() method and 'SingleLine' option to button control.

- Empty jar file no longer required in JavaScript based plugins.

- app.SysExec() now shows error stream (use NoErrors option to disable).

- app.SysExec() now has extra maxLines and a timeout parameter.

- $ shell commands from WiFi editor now shows error stream.

- $ shell commands from WiFi editor now work even if app is not running.

- Added app.GetBtProfileState() method (use 'a2dp','headset', 'gatt', 'health' ).

- Docs now loaded from sdcard (makes user editing/translation easier)

- Fixed bug in app.GetMemoryInfo() method.

- Added SetProgressBarOptions() method to theme object.

- Added 'light' option to Downloader object (controls progress bar theme)

- Fixed excessive 'ScreenSize changed' logging on Remix.

- Starting activities via app.SendIntent() in services now works without needing 'newtask' option.

- Added img.SetPixelData method (takes base64 data string).

- Added img.Flatten() translate,scale,skew,alpha are applied to image data (can be saved).

- Enabled use of Wifi editor over wired network.