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built_in:images [2015/03/30 12:08]
octazid [Description]
built_in:images [2018/04/19 23:23]
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-====== Images ====== 
-//(Information and examples taken from the DroidScript documentation)// 
-===== Description ===== 
-Create Image controls using the **CreateImage** method of the **[[built_in:app|app]]** object: 
-<code>img = app.CreateImage( file, width, height, options );</code> 
-Use the **SetOnTouch** method of the Image object to set the name of a function you want to be called when the Image is touched. 
-When Image controls are touched, they send an **event object** parameter to your callback function which contains details of the touch event, for example the **action** property of the event object contains **"Down"**, **"Up"** or **"Move"** as the user touches and moves their finger on the screen and the x and y properties contain arrays of touch **coordinates**. 
-If you don't set a size, the image object will match the original image size. If you set one dimension to a positive value and leave the other dimension as -1, then the image will maintain its original **aspect ratio**. 
-Specifying both width and height will **stretch** the image to fill the Image object, unless you can use the **"ScaleCenter"** option to keep the image at it's original size and centered within the Image object 
-=====Drawing On Images===== 
-You can use an image control like a **Canvas** by calling it's drawing methods, such DrawRectangle, DrawCircle, DrawImage etc. 
-It's possible to draw over a loaded image or you can start with a blank image by passing the value 'null' to the CreateImage method instead of a filename. You can set the background color of your blank image using the 'SetColor' method. 
-===== Methods ===== 
-Some controls use the same methods.\\ 
-For examples of the **[[same methods]]** look here. 
-^Method ^Description ^ 
-|Image.Clear() | | 
-|Image.Destroy() | | 
-|Image.Draw( func, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7 ) | | 
-|Image.DrawArc( x1, y1, x2, y2, start, sweep ) | | 
-|Image.DrawCircle( x,y,radius ) | | 
-|Image.DrawImage( image, x, y, w, h, angle ) | | 
-|Image.DrawImageMtx( image, matrix ) | | 
-|Image.DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) | | 
-|Image.DrawPoint( x, y ) | | 
-|Image.DrawRectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) | | 
-|Image.DrawText( txt, x, y ) | | 
-|Image.GetAbsHeight() | | 
-|Image.GetAbsWidth() | | 
-|Image.GetHeight() | | 
-|Image.GetName() | | 
-|Image.GetPixelData( format, left, top, width, height ) | | 
-|Image.GetPosition() | | 
-|Image.GetType() | | 
-|Image.GetVisibility() | | 
-|Image.GetWidth() | | 
-|Image.Move( x, y ) | | 
-|Image.Release() | | 
-|Image.Reset() | | 
-|Image.Rotate( angle, pivotX, pivotY ) | | 
-|Image.Save( fileName ) | | 
-|Image.Scale( x, y ) | | 
-|Image.SetAlpha( alpha ) | | 
-|Image.SetAutoUpdate( onoff ) | | 
-|Image.SetBackColor( colorCode ) | | 
-|Image.SetBackGradient( color1,color2,color3,p4,p5,p6,p7 ) | | 
-|Image.SetBackGradientRadial( x,y,r,color1,color2,color3,p7 ) | | 
-|Image.SetBackground( imagefile,options ) | | 
-|Image.SetColor( color ) | | 
-|Image.SetFontFile( file ) | | 
-|Image.SetImage( image,width,height,options ) | | 
-|Image.SetLineWidth( width ) | | 
-|Image.SetMargins( left,top,right,bottom ) | | 
-|Image.SetMaxRate( ms ) | | 
-|Image.SetName( p1 ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnLoad( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnLongTouch( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnTouch( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnTouchDown( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnTouchMove( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetOnTouchUp( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetPadding( left, top, right, bottom ) | | 
-|Image.SetPaintColor( color ) | | 
-|Image.SetPaintStyle( style ) | | 
-|Image.SetPosition( left, top, width, height ) | | 
-|Image.SetScale( x,y ) |Fract values (as usual): 1=original, -1=flip (mirror) | 
-|Image.SetSize( width, height ) | | 
-|Image.SetTextSize( size ) | | 
-|Image.SetTouchable( callback ) | | 
-|Image.SetVisibility( HideShow ) | | 
-|Image.Skew( p1,p2 ) | | 
-|Image.Transform( matrix ) | | 
-|Image.Update() | | 
-|Image.Update2() | | 
-====Example - Original Size==== 
-<code javascript> 
-function OnStart() 
-  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); 
-  img = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid1.png" ); 
-  img.SetOnTouch( img_OnTouch ); 
-  lay.AddChild( img ); 
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
-function img_OnTouch( ev ) 
-  if( ev.action=="Down" ) 
-    app.ShowPopup( "Ouch!" ); 
-====Example - Stretched==== 
-<code javascript> 
-function OnStart() 
-  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); 
-  img = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid1.png", 0.5, 0.7 ); 
-  img.SetOnTouch( img_OnTouch ); 
-  lay.AddChild( img ); 
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
-function img_OnTouch( ev ) 
-  if( ev.action=="Down" ) 
-    app.ShowPopup( "Aaaargh!" ); 
-====Example - Maintain Aspect==== 
-<code javascript> 
-function OnStart() 
-  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); 
-  img = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid1.png", 0.5, -1 ); 
-  img.SetOnTouch( img_OnTouch ); 
-  lay.AddChild( img ); 
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
-function img_OnTouch( ev ) 
-  if( ev.action=="Down" ) 
-    app.ShowPopup( ev.x[0] + ", " + ev.y[0], "Short" ); 
-====Example - Draw Shapes==== 
-<code javascript> 
-function OnStart() 
-  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); 
-  img = app.CreateImage( null, 0.8, 0.8 ); 
-  lay.AddChild( img ); 
-  img.SetColor( "#8888ff" ); 
-  img.SetPaintColor( "#ff0000" ); 
-  img.DrawCircle( 0.5, 0.5, 0.1 ); 
-  img.DrawRectangle( 0.7, 0.7, 0.05 ); 
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
-====Example - FontAwesome==== 
-Some say there should always be **Hello World** code. 
-<code javaScript helloimage.js> 
-function OnStart() 
-  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); 
-  img = app.CreateImage( null, 0.8, 0.8, "FontAwesome" ); 
-  lay.AddChild( img ); 
-  img.SetColor( "#99ff99" ); 
-  img.SetPaintColor( "#0000dd" );  
-  img.SetTextSize(42); 
-  img.DrawText( "[fa-globe] Hello World!", 0.3, 0.5 ); 
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
built_in/images.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/19 23:23 (external edit)