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Application: Droidscript databases. I created this simple application to learn and play Databases and Dialogs

  • Identify the sqlite databases in the default folder.
  • List the tables
  • List Columns of tables
  • Dialog contents of columns
  • And could also delete a database

thierry DERICK 2015/04/17 00:40


thierry . 2015 04 15 purpose: 1. view contents of databases from application droidscripts 2. test sqlite commandes verifier si base de donnee ouverte ou fermee var opened=0; pour chercher les images: var target=“/Sys/Img”; pour chercher les databases sqlite de droidscripts var target=“/data/data/com.smartphoneremote.androidscriptfree/databases/”; var selectedDb=; var selectedTable=; var selectedColumn=; Called when application is started. function OnStart() { Loading other files into the app app.ShowProgress(“…Loading Scripts…”); app.LoadScript(“Misc/Folderpicker.js”); app.HideProgress(); Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( “linear”, “VTop,FillXY” ); je cherchais aussi le langage var country= app.GetCountry() ; var countrycode= app.GetCountryCode() ; var language= app.GetLanguage() ; var languagecode= app.GetLanguageCode() ; affiche mon titre titre = app.CreateText( “Yep Database View”, 1 ); titre.SetTextSize(20); titre.SetTextColor( “#8855ff” ); titre.SetTextShadow( 10, 5,10, “#ff88ff” ); titre.SetOnTouchUp(about); titre.SetOnTouchDown(longabout); lay.AddChild( titre ); lh0=app.CreateLayout(“linear”,“horizontal”); lh1=app.CreateLayout(“linear”,“horizontal”); lh2=app.CreateLayout(“linear”,“horizontal”); lh3=app.CreateLayout(“linear”,“horizontal”); lay.AddChild( lh0 ); lay.AddChild( lh1 ); lay.AddChild( lh2 ); lay.AddChild( lh3 ); lh0.SetBackGradient( “#444444”, “#888888” ); lh1.SetBackGradient( “#888888”, “#444444” ); remindDb=app.CreateText(“Db:”,0.33); lh0.AddChild(remindDb); remindTable=app.CreateText(“T:”,0.33); lh0.AddChild(remindTable); remindColumn=app.CreateText(“C:”,0.33); lh0.AddChild(remindColumn); var colorTitle=“#77BBFF”; remindDb.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); remindTable.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); remindColumn.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); tColGauche=app.CreateText(“db files”,0.33); tColGauche= app.CreateImage(“Img/database.png”,0.07); lh1.AddChild(tColGauche); tColGauche.SetMargins( 0.1,0.003,0,0.004 ); tColGauche.SetOnTouch( btnD_OnTouch ); tColCentre=app.CreateText(“tables”,0.33); tColCentre=app.CreateImage(“Img/table.png”,0.07); lh1.AddChild(tColCentre); tColCentre.SetMargins( 0.29,0.003,0.29,0.004 ); tColCentre.SetOnTouch( btnT_OnTouch ); tColDroite=app.CreateText(“column”,0.33); tColDroite=app.CreateImage(“Img/column.png”,0.07); lh1.AddChild(tColDroite); tColDroite.SetMargins( 0,0.003,0.1,0.004 ); tColDroite.SetOnTouch( btnF_OnTouch ); var colorTitle=“#0033dd”; tColGauche.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); tColCentre.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); tColDroite.SetTextColor( colorTitle ); faire des listes lstLeft = app.CreateList( “”, 0.7, 0.6 ); loadLeftList(); lh2.AddChild( lstLeft ); lstLeft.SetOnTouch( lstLeft_OnTouch ); lstLeft.SetOnLongTouch( lstLeft_OnLongTouch ); lstCentre = app.CreateList( “”, 0.15, 0.6 ); lh2.AddChild( lstCentre ); lstCentre.SetOnTouch( lstCentre_OnTouch ); lstRight= app.CreateList( “”, 0.15, 0.6 ); lh2.AddChild( lstRight ); lstRight.SetOnTouch( lstRight_OnTouch ); lstRight.SetOnLongTouch( lstRight_OnLongTouch ); Create buttons width columns. btnD = app.CreateButton( “Db”, 0.3 ,-1,“alumn”); lh3.AddChild( btnD ); btnD.SetOnTouch( btnD_OnTouch ); btnT = app.CreateButton( “Table”, 0.3 ,-1,“alumn”); lh3.AddChild( btnT ); btnT.SetOnTouch( btnT_OnTouch ); btnF = app.CreateButton( “Column”, 0.3 ,-1,“alumn”); lh3.AddChild( btnF ); btnF.SetOnTouch( btnF_OnTouch ); Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); } function about() { app.ShowPopup( target );} function longabout() { app.ShowPopup( “Thierry 2015 04 15.” );} function loadLeftList() { var F = app.ListFolder( target ); for (var i in F ) { var text=F[i];var rien; if( text.indexOf(“journal”) >-1) rien++ else lstLeft.AddItem( text ); } } Called when user touches our button function btnD_OnTouch(){resizeListes(0.8,0.1,0.1);} function btnT_OnTouch(){resizeListes(0.1,0.8,0.1);} function btnF_OnTouch(){resizeListes(0.1,0.1,0.8);} function resizeListes(a,b,c){ lstLeft.SetSize(a); lstCentre.SetSize(b); lstRight.SetSize©; } function emptyList(list) { pas certain des separateurs: virgule ou CR ou autre? var itemString=list.GetList(“,”); var itemArray=itemString.split(“,”); for (var i in itemArray ) { list.RemoveItem(itemArray[i] ); } var itemString=list.GetList(“\n”); var itemArray=itemString.split(“\n”); for (var i in itemArray ) { list.RemoveItem(itemArray[i] ); } } function lstLeft_OnTouch( database ){ if (opened) { db.Close(); } selectedDb = database ; db=app.OpenDatabase( database ); opened=1; emptyList(lstCentre); emptyList( lstRight ); remindDb.SetText( database ); resizeListes(0.15,0.7,0.15); db.ExecuteSql(“SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table' ”,[],OnFoundTables); } function OnFoundTables(results) { var len = results.rows.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var item = results.rows.item(i) ; lstCentre.AddItem(item.tbl_name); } } function lstLeft_OnLongTouch( item ) { Create dialog window. dlgTxt=app.CreateDialog(“confirm delete database?”); var txtSize = 12 ; Create a layout for dialog gui layDlg = app.CreateLayout( “linear”, “vertical,fillxy,left” ); layDlg.SetPadding( 0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.02 ); dlgTxt.AddLayout( layDlg ); descItem=app.CreateText(“confirm delete database ”+item, 1, 0.06); layDlg.AddChild(descItem); descItem.SetTextSize( txtSize ); Create btns btnYDlg = app.CreateButton( “delete ”+item, 1, 0.06 ); btnNDlg = app.CreateButton( “no”, 1,0.1); btnYDlg.SetTextColor( “#ff2222” ); btnNDlg.SetTextColor( “#22FF22” ); btnYDlg.SetTextSize( txtSize ); btnNDlg.SetTextSize( txtSize ); btnYDlg.SetOnTouch( btnY_OnTouch ); btnNDlg.SetOnTouch( btnN_OnTouch ); layDlg.AddChild( btnYDlg ); layDlg.AddChild( btnNDlg ); Show dialog. } dlgTxt.Show(); } function btnY_OnTouch(item) { dlgTxt.Hide(); var database=descItem.GetText(); app.ShowPopup( “ok faut effacer ” + database ); db = app.OpenDatabase( database ); db.Delete(); dlgTxt.Dismiss(); emptyList(lstLeft); loadLeftList(); } function btnN_OnTouch() { dlgTxt.Hide(); } function lstCentre_OnTouch( table ) { emptyList( lstRight ); selectedTable = table ; remindTable.SetText(table); app.ShowPopup( “ItemCentre = ” + table, “Short” ); db.ExecuteSql(“SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master where type='table' and tbl_name='”+table+“'”,[], OnFoundColumns ); resizeListes(0.15,0.15,0.7); } function OnFoundColumns01(results) { var len = results.rows.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var item = results.rows.item(i) ; lstRight.AddItem(JSON.stringify(item,null,3)); } } function OnFoundColumns(results) { var objet = results.rows.item(0) ; emptyList( lstRight ); var arraytext= parseSqliteMasterSql( objet['sql']); for(var column in arraytext ) { lstRight.AddItem( arraytext[column] ); } } function parseSqliteMasterSql(val) { var arrayOne=val.split('('); var arrayTwo=arrayOne[1].split(','); var last=arrayTwo.pop(); var clean = last.replace(“)”,“”); arrayTwo.push( clean ); return arrayTwo; } function parseSqliteMasterSql02(val) { var arrayOne=val.split(“\W”); var toRemove=arrayOne.shift(); return arrayOne; } function lstRight_OnLongTouch(column){ var array=column.split(“ ”); selectedColumn = array[0] ; remindColumn.SetText(selectedColumn); app.ShowPopup(selectedTable +“ _ ” + selectedColumn , “Short” ); db.ExecuteSql(“SELECT count(DISTINCT ”+ selectedColumn +“ ) FROM ”+selectedTable,[], OnFoundRecord ); } function OnFoundRecord(q) { var len = q.rows.length; var output='L='+len+“ ”; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { var item = q.rows.item(i) ; lstRight.AddItem(JSON.stringify(item,null,3)); output+= JSON.stringify(item,null,3); } app.ShowPopup( output, “long”); } function lstRight_OnTouch(column){ var array=column.split(“ ”); selectedColumn = array[0] ; app.ShowPopup( JSON.stringify(selectedColumn,null,3) ); db.ExecuteSql(“SELECT ”+ selectedColumn +“ FROM ”+selectedTable,[], OnFoundRecord02 ); } function OnFoundRecord02(results) { Create dialog window. dlgContent=app.CreateDialog(“Content from ”+ selectedDb+' '+ selectedTable+ ' ' +selectedColumn ); var txtSize = 10 ; Create a layout for dialog gui layDlgContent = app.CreateLayout( “linear”, “vertical,fillxy,left” ); dlgContent.AddLayout( layDlgContent ); lstDlg = app.CreateList( , 0.8, 0.3 ); lstDlg.SetTextSize( txtSize ); layDlgContent.AddChild( lstDlg ); btnOkvu = app.CreateButton( “ok ”, 1 ); layDlgContent.AddChild( btnOkvu ); btnOkvu.SetOnTouch( closeDialog02 ); var len = results.rows.length; app.ShowPopup( JSON.stringify(results,null,3) ); var s = “”; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {

var item = results.rows.item(i)  
//s += JSON.stringify( item ) + "\n";
lstDlg.AddItem( JSON.stringify( item ) ) ;

} app.ShowPopup( s ); dlgContent.Show(); } function closeDialog02(){dlgContent.Hide()} }

sample_code/database_navigate.1429231440.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/17 08:44 (external edit)