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Get Device Specs

I have been asked more than once lately about the device on which I am testing code.

In order to produce some of the answers simply, I wrote a simple function getDeviceSpecs(). It occurred to me that this may be useful to others when reporting problems on the discussion groups.

Sample code

The sample app uses this function to display some specs and copy them to the clipboard, ready to pass elsewhere.

var allBuilds = JSON.parse('{' +
  '"1":{"level":1,"codename":"(no code name)","version":"1.0"}, ' +
  '"2":{"level":2,"codename":"(no code name)","version":"1.1"} , ' +
  '"3":{"level":3,"codename":"Cupcake","version":"1.5"}, ' +
  '"4":{"level":4,"codename":"Donut","version":"1.6"}, ' +
  '"5":{"level":5,"codename":"Eclair","version":"2.0"},  ' +
  '"6":{"level":6,"codename":"Eclair","version":"2.0.1"}, ' +
  '"7":{"level":7,"codename":"Eclair","version":"2.1"}, ' +
  ' "8":{"level":8,"codename":"Froyo","version":"2.2.x"}, ' +
  ' "9":{"level":9,"codename":"Gingerbread","version":"2.3 - 2.3.2"}, ' +
  ' "10":{"level":10,"codename":"Gingerbread","version":"2.3.3 - 2.3.7"}, ' +
  ' "11":{"level":11,"codename":"Honeycomb","version":"3.0"}, ' +
  ' "12":{"level":12,"codename":"Honeycomb","version":"3.1"}, ' +
  ' "13":{"level":13,"codename":"Honeycomb","version":"3.2.x"}, ' +
  ' "14":{"level":14,"codename":"Ice Cream Sandwich","version":"4.0.1 - 4.0.2"}, ' +
  ' "15":{"level":15,"codename":"Ice Cream Sandwich","version":"4.0.3 - 4.0.4"}, ' +
  ' "16":{"level":16,"codename":"Jelly Bean","version":"4.1.x"}, ' +
  ' "17":{"level":17,"codename":"Jelly Bean","version":"4.2.x"}, ' +
  ' "18":{"level":18,"codename":"Jelly Bean","version":"4.3.x"}, ' +
  ' "19":{"level":19,"codename":"KitKat","version":"4.4 - 4.4.4"}, ' +
  ' "20":{"level":20,"codename":"K or L","version":"4 or 5"}, ' +
  ' "21":{"level":21,"codename":"Lollipop","version":"5.0"}, ' +
  ' "22":{"level":22,"codename":"Lollipop","version":"5.1"}, ' +
  ' "23":{"level":23,"codename":"MarshMallow","version":"6.0"}, ' +
  ' "24":{"level":24,"codename":"Nougat","version":"7.0"}, ' +
  ' "25":{"level":25,"codename":"Nougat","version":"7.1"}, ' +
  ' "26":{"level":26,"codename":"Oreo","version":"8.0"}, ' +
  ' "27":{"level":27,"codename":"Oreo","version":"8.1"}, ' +
  ' "28":{"level":28,"codename":"Pie","version":"9"}, ' +
  ' "29":{"level":29,"codename":"Q","version":"10"}, ' +
  ' "30":{"level":30,"codename":"R","version":"11"}, ' +
  ' "31":{"level":31,"codename":"S","version":"12"}, ' +
  ' "32":{"level":32,"codename":"S_V2","version":"12"} ' +
  ' }');
var osObj = allBuilds[app.GetOSVersion()]
  var osInfo = "Android " + osObj.version + " (" +
    osObj.codename + ")  API level " +
catch(err){var osInfo = app.GetOSVersion();}
var lay, txt, scroller
//Called when application is started.
function OnStart()
  if(! app.GetNotifyId())
    var notify = app.CreateNotification(  );
    notify.SetSmallImage( "Img/getDeviceSpecs.png" );
    notify.SetLargeImage( "Img/getDeviceSpecs.png" );
    notify.SetMessage( "",app.GetAppName(),"" );
    notify.Notify( app.GetAppName() );
  //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
  lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "VCenter,FillXY");
  // create viewr for specs
  scroller = app.CreateScroller(1, 0.8);
  var specs = getDeviceSpecs();
  txt = app.CreateText(specs, 1, 0.8, "left,multiLine");
  txt.SetPadding(0.02, 0.01, 0.02, 0.01);
  //Create a button and add it to layout.
  var btn = app.CreateButton("[fa-copy]", -1, -1, "fontAwesome");
  btn.SetTextSize( 32 )
  //btn.SetStyle("#4285F4", "#2265d4", 2, "#999999", 0, 1, "#ff9000");
  //Add layout to app.    
function btn_OnTouch()
  app.SetClipboardText(txt.GetText( ) );
  app.ShowPopup("Copied to clipboard")
function getBuilderVersion()
   var msg = "Apk Builder plugin not installed";
   var path = app.GetPrivateFolder("Plugins") +
      msg = "Apk Builder version " + app.ReadFile( path )
   else if(app.IsAPK())
      msg = "APK built with " + app.GetDSVersion().toFixed(2);
   return msg
function getDeviceSpecs()
  var os = app.GetOSVersion();
  var model = app.GetModel();
  var tablet = app.IsTablet();
  var fromapk = app.IsAPK();
  var isChrome = app.IsChrome();
  var isPrem = app.IsPremium()
  var isTV = app.IsTV();
  var dsversion = app.GetDSVersion().toFixed(2);
  //Get screen dimensions. 
  var sw = app.GetScreenWidth();
  var sh = app.GetScreenHeight();
  var dens = app.GetScreenDensity();
  //Get display dimensions. 
  var dw = app.GetDisplayWidth();
  var dh = app.GetDisplayHeight();
  //Get drive details
  var intfld = app.GetInternalFolder();
  var extfld = app.GetExternalFolder();
  var intspace = app.GetFreeSpace("internal");
  var extspace = app.GetFreeSpace("external");
  var mem = app.GetMemoryInfo().total.toLocaleString("en-US");
  //specs are formatted as a comment so we can paste
  //them somewhere convenient
    os = osInfo;
  var s = "/*\n" +
    "os=" + os + "\n" +
    getBuilderVersion() + "\n" +
    "tablet=" + tablet + "\n" +
    "model=" + model + "\n" +
    "isChrome=" + isChrome + "\n" +
    "isTV=" + isTV +"\n" +
    "DroidScript=" + dsversion + "\n" +
    "Storage access=" + storageScoped() + "\n" +
    "screen width=" + sw + "\n" +
    "screen height=" + sh + "\n" +
    "screen density=" + dens + "\n" +
    "display width=" + dw + "\n" +
    "display height=" + dh + "\n" +
    "internal folder=" + intfld + "\n" +
    "external folder=" + extfld + "\n" +
    "int free space=" + intspace + "\n" +
    "ext free space=" + extspace + "\n" +
    "memory=" + mem +"\n" +
    "premium=" + isPrem +"\n" +
    "country code=" + app.GetCountryCode() + "\n" +
    "country=" + app.GetCountry() + "\n" +
    "language code=" + app.GetLanguageCode() + "\n" +
    "language=" + app.GetLanguage() + "\n" +
    "wifi=" + app.GetIPAddress() + "\n" +
    "userAgent='" + navigator.userAgent + "'\n" +
function storageScoped() {
   return app.IsScoped()?"Scoped":"Traditional"
function OnConfig()
//called when screen rotates
//also called at startup to fix Chromebook display size anomaly
	 var fixwid=lay.GetAbsWidth()/app.GetDisplayWidth()
	 var fixhigh=lay.GetAbsHeight()/app.GetDisplayHeight()
	 var wid=1, high=0.8
	 if(fixwid<1) wid *= fixwid // chromebook not using full width
	 if(fixhigh<1) high *= fixhigh // or height
	 scroller.SetSize( wid,high )
	 txt.SetSize( wid, high  )


The function getDeviceSpecs at the end of the code, can be pasted independently into a project an the string returned can be used however you see fit.

sample_code/get_device_specs.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/25 17:48 by stevegarman