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Version 2.50 is out since Jan 1st 2022

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DroidScript v1.45

DS 1.45b(26-Jan-2017)

- Added Chromebook support.

- Added Booty5 plugin and game editor support.

- Improved continuous speech recognition (updated sample).

- Fixed services crashing when killed with task managers.

- List expand mode, adding removing items now triggers expand/contract.

- Plugin docs with gifs now work in wifi ide.

- Permissions scanning now only done at top level of project.

- Obfuscation of strings now more reliable.

- Added x1,x2,x3,x4 options to scale up textview html images.

- Added new 'useChrome' option to config.json (useful for Android TV boxes).

- Added USB CDC serial support for Waterrower exercise machine.

version_history/v1.45.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/20 12:08 by