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Version 2.50 is out since Jan 1st 2022

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Formatting Syntax


DS 1.74


- Changed to darker look and feel for Wifi IDE.

- Added dark mode in Wifi IDE for Premium users.

- Added app.SendImage() method.

- Modified internal _Cbm function slightly to allow use of local scope callback funcs.

- More docs added (thanks to Symbroson)

- Added _AddPlugins() function to allow manual inclusion of plugins.

- Added web.SetTextZoom( zoom ).

- app.CreateBluetoothList now requests permission “Location” for > Android 8.

- Changed app.WifiScan now returns list with pipe | instead of comma delimeters.

- Fixed app.ChooseWifi now removes duplicate ssids.

- Added gfx.CreateText() method to GameView (allows use of bitmap fonts)

- Fixed GameView bounce sample.

DS 1.74b2


- Changed to darker look and feel for Wifi IDE.

- Added dark mode in Wifi IDE for Premium users.

- Added app.SendImage() method.

- Modified internal_Cbm function slightly to allow use of local scope callback funcs.

- More docs added (thanks to Symbroson)

- Added_AddPlugins() function to allow manual inclusion of plugins.

- Added web.SetTextZoom( zoom ).

- app.CreateBluetoothList now requests permission “Location” for > Android 8.

- Changed app.WifiScan now returns list with pipe | instead of comma delimeters.

- Fixed app.ChooseWifi now removes duplicate ssids.

- Added gfx.CreateText() method to GameView (allows use of bitmap fonts)

- Fixed GameView bounce sample.

DS 1.73b1


- Added 'boolean' type for obj.Method().

- WebViews/HTML apps now pause when not in foreground (can use 'NoPause' option).

- Added CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE permission for app.SetWifiApEnabled method (for Orange-Pi).

- Fixed AdjustColor() exception when dialog has not title.

- Added public Object GetObject( String id ) to plugin parent object (gets a DS object).

- Added “Wifi Access Point” and “IOT Device” samples.

- Added “GPIO Banana-Pi” and “UART Banana-Pi” samples.

- Added app.Quit( msg,[title],[options] ) method (shows message and force quits app).

- Added premium nag popup every month (for non-premium users).

DS 1.73a8


- Added intellisense to device editor for GameView methods and objects.

- Allowed on device function info/tips to scale up as well as shrink to fit.

- Added new 'AutoSize' option to TextView (scales up and down towards target size).

- Added new config keywords - cfg.NoDom, cfg.Game, cfg.Transparent, cfg.Landscape, cfg.Portrait.

- Deprecated _AddOptions() method in favour of cfg.* keywords.

- Added 'Bunny Storm' GameView demo.

- Removed HScroll, VScroll and GLView game demos.

DS 1.73a7


- Added new app.CreateGame() method (create GameView apps with one line of code).

- Disabled app.* exception logging in release builds.

- Invalid id's in V8 engine clearTimeout/clearInterval calls now ignored.

- Changed “Game Bounce” demo to use GameView.

DS 1.73a6


- Fixed IsDebugging results for release builds when not calling app.SetDebug.

- Fixed services throwing ADB exception in APK builds.

- Fixed exception when pressing back button in NoDom mode.

- Fixed launcher sample for package names that contained the sequence “.gif”.

DS 1.73a5


- obj.GetWidth/GetHeight/GetAbsWidth/GetAbsHeight/GetLeft/Right now all return numeric vals.

- Disabled internal ADB debugging for release APKs.

- Added app.SetDebug() for finer logging control (use optional switches 'console,ds,adb' or true/false).

- Added app.IsDebugging() in favour of IsDebugEnabled()

- Deprecated app.SetDebugEnabled() and app.IsDebugEnabled().

- Fixed gles libs included in APKs when 'gles' option not used.

DS 1.73a4


- Added 'Alarms' permission option.

- Fixed AutoBoot mode for services on Oreo+ (must call app.SetInForeground).

- Updated the services template for Oreo+.

DS 1.73a3

- Added 'long' and 'bool' types to SendIntent extras.

- Added 'ExactIdle' option to app.SetAlarm().

- Added 'NavRight' mode option to app.SetKioskMode().

DS 1.73a2


- Added app.IsNavBarOnRight() method.

- Fixed issue with web.SetOnConsole 'bad token'.

- Added public void CallScript(Bundle b,String webViewId) to plugin API.

- Added new I() function to force unique instance of callbacks.

DS 1.73a1


- Added 'UseBrowser' option for HTML apps.

- Enabled file downloading in HTML apps.

- Added 'Screen' option to obj.GetPosition()- returns screen relative posn.

- Added app.GetParent() method to get parent layout object (if set).

- GameView methods now added to intellisense in wifi ide.

- Added exception handling to onActivityResult (protect against plugin crashes).

- Removed wallpaper service from APK manifests.

- Internal super.onDestroy() now called when permissions not given by user.

- Enabled all FTDI usb device types for serial comms.

- Added tooltip/help sample.

- Added app.ChooseWifi() method (popup to choose wifi ssid).

- Added app template selector to on-device editor.

- Plugin extraction now shows progress spinner for APK builds.

DS 1.72


- GameView now defaults to using WebView/WebGL rather than GLES.

- Fixed slow GameView performance on Chromebooks (switched to WebGL mode).

- GameView sprites without width and height now looks same size all devices.

- GameView now has an Execute method to run JavaScript inside game.

- Added 'NoActionBar' option to webview (prevents copy/paste popup).

- Got rid of annoying popup copy/paste/action bar on Chromebooks.

- Enabled APK builder is out of date warning.

- Added SetOnTouch event to webviews.

- Fixed 'JavaScript' section of Wifi Editor docs.

DS 1.72b1


- Re-instated the app.js file (so plugin docs/intellisense work again).

- Added (experimental)_DoEvents method NoDom mode.

- Fixed app.SetOnError() for NoDom mode.

version_history/v1.74.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/20 14:22 by stevegarman