var message; //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); //Create a button to send request. btn = app.CreateButton( "Get message", 0.3, 0.1 ); btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch ); lay.AddChild( btn ); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); } //Handle button press. function btn_OnTouch() { //Send request to remote server. var url = "" SendRequest( url ); } //Send an http get request. function SendRequest( url ) { var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() { HandleReply(httpRequest); };"GET", url, true); httpRequest.send(null); app.ShowProgress( "Loading..." ); } //Handle the server's reply (a json object). function HandleReply( httpRequest ) { if( httpRequest.readyState==4 ) { //If we got a valid response. if( httpRequest.status==200 ) { message = httpRequest.responseText; app.Alert( message ); } //An error occurred else app.Alert( "Error: " + httpRequest.status + httpRequest.responseText); } app.HideProgress(); }