function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); //Create tabs. tabs = app.CreateTabs( "FRED,BILL,MARK", 0.8, 0.8, "VCenter" ); tabs.SetOnChange( tabs_OnChange ); lay.AddChild( tabs ); //Add button to first tab. layFred = tabs.GetLayout( "FRED" ); btn = app.CreateButton( "Choose Mark" ); btn.SetOnTouch(btnOnTouch); layFred.AddChild( btn ); //Add button to second tab. layBill = tabs.GetLayout( "BILL" ); chk = app.CreateCheckBox( "CheckBox" ); layBill.AddChild( chk ); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); } //Handle tab selection. function tabs_OnChange( name ) { app.ShowPopup( name ); } function btnOnTouch() { tabs.ShowTab("MARK") }