====== BluetoothSerial control ====== ===== Syntax ===== app.CreateBluetoothSerial(mode) Possible modes are 'Text' default 'Int' mode allows you to send a comma separated list of integers 'hex' mode is a comma separated list of hex values ===== Methods ===== ^ Method ^ Description ^ | BluetoothSerial.Clear() | | | BluetoothSerial.Connect( name,channel ) | | | BluetoothSerial.Disconnect() | | | BluetoothSerial.IsBluetoothEnabled() | | | BluetoothSerial.IsConnected() | | | BluetoothSerial.IsPaired( p1 ) | | | BluetoothSerial.RequestEnable() | | | BluetoothSerial.SetOnConnect( callback ) | | | BluetoothSerial.SetOnReceive( callback ) | | | BluetoothSerial.SetSplitMode( p1,p2,p3 ) | | | BluetoothSerial.SetTimeout( p1 ) | | | BluetoothSerial.Write( p1 ) | | =====Example===== //(Example taken from the DroidScript sample section)// //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); //Create a button 1/3 of screen width and 1/4 screen height. btn = app.CreateButton( "Connect", 0.4, 0.15 ); btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch ); lay.AddChild( btn ); app.AddLayout( lay ); //Create Bluetooth serial object. bt = app.CreateBluetoothSerial(); bt.SetOnConnect( bt_OnConnect ) bt.SetOnReceive( bt_OnReceive ); bt.SetSplitMode( "End", "\n" ); } //Called when user touches the button. function btn_OnTouch()  {     bt.Connect( "HC-05" ); } //Called when we are connected. function bt_OnConnect( ok ) {     if( ok ) bt.Write( "digitalWrite(LED1,1);\n" );     else app.ShowPopup( "Failed to connect!" ); } //Called when we get data from device. function bt_OnReceive( data ) {     app.ShowPopup( data ); }