=====Call===== ====Description==== The **Call** method makes phone call to a **number**. app.Call( number ); ====Example==== function OnStart() { //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical,VCenter,FillXY" ); txt = app.CreateText( "Please type phone number to call:", 0.5, 0.05 ); txt.SetMargins( 0, 0.05, 0, 0 ); lay.AddChild( txt ); edt = app.CreateTextEdit( "", 0.5, 0.08, "Number" ); edt.SetMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0.05 ); edt.SetBackColor( "#333333" ); lay.AddChild( edt ); btn = app.CreateButton( "[fa-phone] Call", 0.5, 0.1, "FontAwesome" ); btn.SetMargins( 0, 0.05, 0, 0.05 ); btn.SetTextSize( 20 ); lay.AddChild( btn ); //Set function to call when button pressed. btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch ); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); } function btn_OnTouch() { app.Call( edt.GetText() ); }