====== Drive ====== The **Drive** function commands the NXT brick to drive one or more of it's motors with a given power and number of rotations. The **motors** parameter can be a single motor, for example just **"A"** or a combination of motors such as **"ABC"**. Power is given as a percentage value and negative values make the motor reverse. If the number of rotations is set to **zero**, then the motor will continue until the **Stop** function is called. nxt.Drive( motors, power, rotations ); ====Example - Drive forward 3 rotations==== function OnStart() { nxt = app.CreateNxt(); app.SetMenu( "Connect,Drive" ); } function OnMenu( name ) { if( name=="Connect" ) nxt.ShowDevices(); else if( name=="Drive" ) nxt.Drive( "BC", 80, 3 ); }