=====StartApp===== //(Information and examples taken from the DroidScript documentation)// ====Description==== Starts DroidScript application from script in **file**. File is the fullpath to the app. Parameter **options** is optional. \\ Intent contains information to be transferred to the other app. e.g \\ action \\ type \\ data \\ extras . \\ Compile your intent as an object then convert to JSON app.StartApp(file,options,intent) ---- ====Example==== var data ={ action:"android.intent.action.VIEW", type : "message/rfc822", data:"/sdcard/yourfile.jpg", extras:{name:"android.intent.extra.EMAIL",type:"list",value:"yourname@gmail.com"} } var intent= JSON.stringify(data) app.StartApp("/sdcard/DroidScript/PhotoViewer/PhotoViewer.js,"",intent ); //Option can be **debug**