====== Synth control ====== ===== Methods ===== Some controls use the same methods.\\ For examples of the **[[same methods]]** look here. ^ Method ^ Description ^ | Synth.GetType() | | | Synth.PlayMidiTune( tune ) | | | Synth.PlayNote( note ) | | | Synth.PlayTone( freq, dur ) | | | Synth.SetDelay( ms ) | | | Synth.SetDelayEnabled( enable ) | | | Synth.SetFeedback( feedback ) | | | Synth.SetFrequency( freq ) | | | Synth.SetNoteLength( dur ) | | | Synth.SetPhaser( drywet,rate,range,feedback ) | | | Synth.SetPhaserDryWet( drywet ) | | | Synth.SetPhaserEnabled( enable ) | | | Synth.SetPhaserFeedback( feedback ) | | | Synth.SetPhaserRange( range ) | | | Synth.SetPhaserRate( rate ) | | | Synth.SetVca( attack,decay,sustain,release ) | | | Synth.SetVcaAttack( AttackTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcaDecay( DecayTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcaEnabled( OnOff ) | | | Synth.SetVcaRelease( ReleaseTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcaSustain( SustainLevel ) | | | Synth.SetVcf( attack,decay,sustain,release,cutoff,resonance,depth ) | | | Synth.SetVcfAttack(AttackTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcfCutoff( CutoffFrequencyInHz ) | | | Synth.SetVcfDecay( DecayTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcfDepth( Depth ) | | | Synth.SetVcfEnabled( OnOff ) | | | Synth.SetVcfRelease(ReleaseTimeInMS ) | | | Synth.SetVcfResonance( float Resonance ) | 0-1 = 0 - 100% | | Synth.SetVcfSustain(float SustainLevel ) | 0 = Silent, 1= 100% | | Synth.SetVolume( left,right ) | | | Synth.SetWaveShape( shape ) | | | Synth.Start() | |