======Intents====== Namespace for sample code using intents from DroidScript [[PlayStore]] -- send User to. [[General Gmail]] - DroidScript Samples' Example of calling Gmail intent (shows use and json-ification of an Extras array). [[Google Maps]] - Intents to call Google maps (also shows checking if intended app is installed). \\ [[Skype]] - may not need to use intents. [[Calls]] - Make phone calls. [[SMS]] - Open Message app passing phonenumber and message [[Camera]] - Open default camera in different modes. [[Audio]] - Open default Music/Audio apps. [[Open Apps]] - Open common default apps/ [[Timer]] - Add Timer [[Alarm]] - Add Alarm [[Calendar]] - Add Calendar Event [[Broadcasts]] - How to receive Broadcasts [[Calculator]] - Open Calculator App ---- ====Note for contributors==== If you wish to create a new page in the **Intents** namespace, please create a link to the new page above, save this page and click on the link you just created.