=====Custom Yes-No-Dialog===== (Sample posted by Chris Hopkin in the DroidScript Google Group)\\ \\ If you want to show a popup window on exit, you could use a custom Dialog.\\ For example, this is a small app that pops up a custom dialog when the back button is pressed\\ //Called after application is started. function OnStart() { app.EnableBackKey( false ); app.ShowPopup( "Touch the Back Button" ); } function OnBack() { //Create dialog window. dlgExit = app.CreateDialog( "Exit?" ); //Create a layout for dialog. layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,FillXY" ); layDlg.SetPadding( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 ); dlgExit.AddLayout( layDlg ); var btnYes = app.CreateButton("[fa-check-circle] Yes", 0.3, -1, "FontAwesome"); btnYes.SetTextSize( 24 ); btnYes.SetOnTouch( btnYes_OnTouch ); layDlg.AddChild( btnYes ); var btnNo = app.CreateButton("[fa-times-circle] No", 0.3, -1, "FontAwesome"); btnNo.SetOnTouch( btnNo_OnTouch ); btnNo.SetTextSize( 24 ); layDlg.AddChild( btnNo ); //Show dialog. dlgExit.Show(); } function btnYes_OnTouch() { dlgExit.Dismiss(); app.Exit(); } function btnNo_OnTouch() { dlgExit.Dismiss(); }