**DroidScript Console** Execute your droidscript commands directly from this app. \\ [[http://mycode.coolpage.biz/web/spk/DroidScriptConsole_v1.spk|Here]] is the spk. //Code By Titus //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { app.SetOrientation("Portrait"); app.EnableBackKey(false ); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "TopCenter,FillXY"); lay.SetBackColor("#000000"); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt = app.CreateText("Droidscript Console", 1, 0.05, "Center"); txt.SetBackGradient("#999999", "#555555"); txt.SetTextColor("#000000"); txt.SetTextSize(23); lay.AddChild(txt); //Create Text Edit edt = app.CreateTextEdit("ds>: ", 1, .95, "NoSpell") edt.SetBackColor("#000000"); edt.Focus(); edt.SetTextSize(13); edt.SetOnEnter(clc); lay.AddChild(edt); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout(lay); } function clc() { var t = edt.GetText() var p = edt.GetCursorPos();; try { edt.SetText(t + "\n" + eval(edt.GetText().slice(t.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, t.length)) + "\n" + "ds>: "); edt.SetCursorPos(edt.GetText().length); } catch (e) { edt.SetText(t + "\n" + e + "\n" + "ds>: "); edt.SetCursorPos(edt.GetText().length); } var tt = edt.GetText() tt = tt.replace(/ds>:/g, function (v) { return v.fontcolor("green") }) tt = tt.replace(/ReferenceError[^\n]+/g, function (v) { return v.fontcolor("red") }) tt = tt.replace(/SyntaxError[^\n]+/g, function (v) { return v.fontcolor("#ff7733") }) tt = tt.replace(/TypeError[^\n]+/g, function (v) { return v.fontcolor("#779933") }) tt = tt.replace(/\n/g, "
") edt.SetHtml(tt); } //Get properties and methods function prop(objectname) { var s = "" var a = 0 for (x in objectname) { a++; s += a + " " + x + "\n\n" + objectname[x] + "\n\n\n\n" } return s } var cnt=0 function OnBack(){ setTimeout(function(){cnt=0},1000) if(cnt==1) app.Exit(); else app.ShowPopup("Tap again to exit","Short" ); cnt++ }
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