====== Method finder ====== This is a tool that I use at home to enable me to look at what methods are available in most of the controls I use. It is incomplete as it does not drill down far enough but it is much better than nothing. ===== Warnings ===== Please be aware that using undocumented functions is not recommended by the DroidScript developers and you do so at your own risk.\\ Please also be aware that the **"Manually entered code"** option can be very dangerous. ===== Acknowledgements ===== Andreas Rozek would recognize much of the code as the heart of it is stolen from his post at [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/androidscript/o_RCNR5ozAE]] Thanks also to Salvatore Fusto for finding a bug in the app. ===== The code ===== // Introspection lite tool for home use by Steve Garman // Main code stolen from AppInspector by Andreas Rozek //Global variables var myobj = app; var ListView, menuView, FunctionView var main_header_txt, edtFilter, dlg, edtDlg; var lastMenu = "app"; var pasteable = "null"; var vers = Math.floor((app.GetVersion()+.0005) * 100); var docfold = "/sdcard/sjgDocs/androidscript/"+vers; var docfile = docfold + "/null.txt"; var evalsfile = docfold + "/evals.txt" //Called when application is started. function OnStart(){ app.EnableBackKey( false ); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. var lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Vertical,FillXY" ); add_top_bar( lay ); /**** prepare page area ****/ var PageArea = app.CreateLayout('frame','fillxy'); lay.AddChild(PageArea); var control_list = "app,layout,Manually entered code,BluetoothList,BluetoothSerial,Button,CameraView,CheckBox" +",Crypt,Database,Dialog,Email,Image,List,Locator,Notification,NXT,NxtRemote,Odroid,SeekBar" +",Sensor,SMS,Spinner,Tabs,Text,TextEdit,ToggleButton" +",WebView,WebServer,YesNoDialog"; menuView = app.CreateList( control_list, -1,-1, 'fillxy'); menuView.SetOnTouch(menuView_OnTouch); PageArea.AddChild(menuView); menuView.SetVisibility('Hide'); ListView = app.CreateList("", -1,-1, 'fillxy'); prepareFunctionList(); ListView.SetOnTouch(showAppFunction); PageArea.AddChild(ListView); /**** prepare detail view ****/ FunctionView = app.CreateTextEdit('',-1,-1); //FunctionView = app.CreateTextEdit('',-1,-1,"nospell"); PageArea.AddChild(FunctionView); FunctionView.SetVisibility('Hide'); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout( lay ); showMenuView(); }//OnStart function add_top_bar (lyout, opts){ //basic top bar layout var lay_bar = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,Left, FillX" ); lay_bar.SetBackGradient( "#444444", "#888888" ); //add app name if required - stolen for object/function name in this app main_header_txt = app.CreateText( lastMenu , -1, -1 ); main_header_txt.SetTextSize( 24 ); main_header_txt.SetPadding( 0.01, 0, 0.01, 0 ); lay_bar.AddChild( main_header_txt ); var filterlabel = app.CreateText("Func filter:"); filterlabel.SetTextSize(18); filterlabel.SetTextColor("#ff222222"); lay_bar.AddChild( filterlabel ); edtFilter = app.CreateTextEdit("",0.3); edtFilter.SetBackColor("#ff222222"); edtFilter.SetTextSize(18); edtFilter.SetPadding( 0.01, 0, 0, 0.001 ); edtFilter.SetOnChange(edtFilterOnChange); lay_bar.AddChild(edtFilter); lyout.AddChild( lay_bar ); }//add_top_bar function menuView_OnTouch(name){ lastMenu = name; switch(name) { case "layout": myobj = app.CreateLayout( "linear" ) ; break; case "BluetoothList": myobj = app.CreateBluetoothList(); break; case "BluetoothSerial": myobj = app.CreateBluetoothSerial(); break; case "Button": myobj = app.CreateButton("x"); break; case "CameraView": myobj = app.CreateCameraView( 0.8,0.8 ); break; case "CheckBox": myobj = app.CreateCheckBox( "x" ); break; case "Crypt": myobj = app.CreateCrypt(); break; case "Database": myobj = app.OpenDatabase("MyData"); break; case "Dialog": myobj = app.CreateDialog(""); break; case "Email": myobj = app.CreateEmail( "mymail@gmail.com", "MyPass" ); break; case "Image": myobj = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Hello.png" ); break; case "List": myobj = ListView; break; case "Locator": myobj = app.CreateLocator( "GPS,Network" ); break; case "Notification": myobj = app.CreateNotification() ; break; case "NXT": myobj = app.CreateNxt(); break; case "NxtRemote": myobj = app.CreateNxtRemote(); break; case "Odroid": myobj = app.Odroid( "a", "b", "c" ); break; case "SeekBar": myobj = app.CreateSeekBar( "x" ); break; case "Sensor": myobj = app.CreateSensor( "Accelerometer" ); break; case "SMS": myobj = app.CreateSMS(); break; case "Spinner": myobj= app.CreateSpinner("1,2"); break; case "Tabs": myobj = app.CreateTabs( "tab1,tab2"); break; case "Text": myobj = main_header_txt; break; case "TextEdit": myobj = FunctionView; break; case "ToggleButton": myobj = app.CreateToggle( "x" ); break; case "WebView": myobj = app.CreateWebView( 0.8,0.8 ); break; case "WebServer": myobj = app.CreateWebServer( 8080, "Upload,ListDir" ); break; case "YesNoDialog": myobj = app.CreateYesNoDialog(""); break; case("Manually entered code"): showEval(); return; default: myobj=app; lastMenu = "app"; } prepareFunctionList(); showOverview(); main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu ); }//menuView_OnTouch function prepareFunctionList(){ /**** prepare list view ****/ var objFunctionList; objFunctionList = []; var filter = edtFilter.GetText().trim().toLowerCase() for (var Key in myobj) { var keyword= Key.toLowerCase() if ((filter == "") || (keyword.indexOf(filter) > -1)){ if (myobj.hasOwnProperty(Key) && (typeof myobj[Key] === 'function')) { objFunctionList.push(Key); }; } }; objFunctionList.sort(); ListView.SetList( objFunctionList.join(','), ",") if(filter != "" ) filter = "Filtered [" + filter + "]\n"; pasteable = filter + lastMenu + "."; var copyDelim = "\n" + lastMenu + "."; pasteable += objFunctionList.join( copyDelim ) docfile = docfold + "/" + lastMenu + ".txt"; }//prepareFunctionList function showMenuView(){ ListView.SetVisibility('hide'); FunctionView.SetVisibility('hide'); menuView.SetVisibility('show'); main_header_txt.SetText( "Choose Control" ); }//showMenuView function showAppFunction (Name) { FunctionView.SetText(String(myobj[Name])); main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu + "." + Name ); ListView.SetVisibility('hide'); menuView.SetVisibility('hide'); FunctionView.SetVisibility('show'); }//showAppFunction function showOverview () { ListView.SetVisibility('show'); FunctionView.SetVisibility('hide'); menuView.SetVisibility('hide'); main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu ); }//showOverview function edtFilterOnChange(){ if( ListView.GetVisibility() == "Show" ){ prepareFunctionList(); } }//edtFilterOnChange function OnBack(){ if (menuView.GetVisibility() == "Show") { var pasteOnExit = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Copy to clipboard and create text file?" ); pasteOnExit.SetOnTouch( pasteOnExit_OnTouch ); } else if( ListView.GetVisibility() == "Show" ) showMenuView(); else showOverview(); }//OnBack function pasteOnExit_OnTouch( result ){ if( result=="Yes" ){ app.SetClipboardText( pasteable ); if( ! app.FolderExists( docfold ) ) app.MakeFolder ( docfold ); app.WriteFile( docfile, pasteable ); } app.Exit(); }//pasteOnExit function showEval(){ dlg = app.CreateDialog("eval - use with care"); var layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "vertical,fillxy,left" ); layDlg.SetPadding( 0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.02 ); edtDlg = app.CreateTextEdit('app.CreateText( "Hello" )',-1,-1,'NoSpell'); edtDlg.SetCursorPos(edtDlg.GetText().length); layDlg.AddChild(edtDlg); dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ); var horiz = app.CreateLayout("linear", "horizontal,fillxy"); horiz.SetPadding( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0 ); var btn = app.CreateButton("Ok", 0.2); btn.SetOnTouch(dlg_ok); horiz.AddChild(btn); btn = app.CreateButton("Cancel",0.2); btn.SetOnTouch(dlg_canc); horiz.AddChild(btn); layDlg.AddChild(horiz); dlg.Show(); }//showEval function dlg_ok(){ app.HideKeyboard(); dlg.Dismiss(); myobj = eval(edtDlg.GetText()); if ((myobj != null) && (myobj.hasOwnProperty("GetType"))){ lastMenu = myobj.GetType(); app.WriteFile(evalsfile, edtDlg.GetText()+"\n","append"); } else{ lastMenu = "Eval"; } main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu ); prepareFunctionList(); showOverview(); }//dlg_ok function dlg_canc(){ app.HideKeyboard(); dlg.Dismiss(); }//dlg_canc I have placed an spk of this app at [[http://hudl.sgarman.net/public/spk/SJGinspect.spk]] which should create a project in the DroidScript IDE for you. And for the sake of completeness, there is an apk at [[http://droidscript.sgarman.net/apk/SJGinspect.apk]] which you could download and install if your device is set up to allow apks that don't come from Google Play.