====== Get numbers from user ====== It's not really practical to force a user to enter a number. It is, however fairly easy to check the input, either immediately it is entered or when trying to perform calculations. This code demonstrates how it can be done, using a function toFloat // global var edt1,edt2,edt3,edt4 //Called when application is started. function OnStart() {     //Create a layout     var lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "FillXY" );         //Create 4 textEdits and add them to layout.     edt1 = app.CreateTextEdit( "",-1,-1,"Number" );     edt1.SetHint("Number");     lay.AddChild( edt1 );     edt2 = app.CreateTextEdit( "",-1,-1,"Number" );     edt2.SetHint("Multiply by");     lay.AddChild( edt2 );      edt3 = app.CreateTextEdit( "",-1,-1,"Number" );     edt3.SetHint("Divide by");     lay.AddChild( edt3 );     edt4 = app.CreateTextEdit( "",-1,-1,"Number" );     edt4.SetHint("Add");     lay.AddChild( edt4 );     //Create a "Calculate" button     var btn = app.CreateButton("Calculate");     btn.SetOnTouch(btnOnTouch);     lay.AddChild(btn);     //Add layout to app.         app.AddLayout( lay );      } function btnOnTouch() {     var res = toFloat(edt1)         * toFloat(edt2)         / toFloat(edt3)         + toFloat(edt4);     if(isNaN(res)) app.Alert("The result is not a valid number")     else app.Alert(res); } function toFloat(control)  { //take a control (probably a TextEdit) and return its text as a number     var value = control.GetText();     var ret = +(value.replace(',','.'));     if( isNaN(ret) ) app.ShowPopup(value +" is not a number");     return ret; }