**Volume Box** [[ http://mycode.coolpage.biz/web/spk/VolumeBox_v2.spk|Here]] is the spk . //Called when application is started. function OnStart() { app.SetOrientation("Portrait"); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "TopCenter,FillXY"); lay.SetBackColor("#33ffffff"); //Create Top Layout lay1 = app.CreateLayout("Linear", "Horizontal") lay1.SetSize(1, .1); lay1.SetBackColor("#428544"); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt = app.CreateText("Volume Box"); txt.SetTextColor("#FFFFFF"); txt.SetTextSize(30); lay1.AddChild(txt); //Set the menu items menu = app.SetMenu("About,Exit"); lay.AddChild(lay1); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt1 = app.CreateText("Volume Box"); txt1.SetTextColor("#00FF00"); txt1.SetTextSize(32); lay.AddChild(txt1); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol1 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol1.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch); skbVol1.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol1); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt2 = app.CreateText(""); txt2.SetTextColor("#CCFF00") txt2.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt2); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol2 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol2.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch1); skbVol2.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol2); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt3 = app.CreateText("Alarm"); txt3.SetTextColor("#FFFF00"); txt3.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt3); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol3 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol3.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch2); skbVol3.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol3); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt4 = app.CreateText("Notification"); txt4.SetTextColor("#00FFFF"); txt4.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt4); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol4 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol4.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch3); skbVol4.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol4); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt5 = app.CreateText("System"); txt5.SetTextColor("#009975"); txt5.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt5); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol5 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol5.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch4); skbVol5.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol5); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt6 = app.CreateText("Ring"); txt6.SetTextColor("#00FFAA") txt6.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt6); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol6 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol6.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch5); skbVol6.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol6); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt7 = app.CreateText("DTMF"); txt7.SetTextColor("#AAAA00"); txt7.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt7); //Create volume bar and add to layout. skbVol7 = app.CreateSeekBar(0.8, - 1); skbVol7.SetOnTouch(skbVol_OnTouch6); skbVol7.SetRange(1.0); lay.AddChild(skbVol7); //Create a text label and add it to layout. txt8 = app.CreateText("Voicecall"); txt8.SetTextColor("#FF0000"); txt8.SetTextSize(20); lay.AddChild(txt8); //Add layout to app. app.AddLayout(lay); setInterval(update, 1000); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch(value) { app.SetVolume("music", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch1(value) { app.SetVolume("alarm", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch2(value) { app.SetVolume("notification", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch3(value) { app.SetVolume("system", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch4(value) { app.SetVolume("ring", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch5(value) { app.SetVolume("dtmf", value, value); } //Called when user touches volume bar. function skbVol_OnTouch6(value) { app.SetVolume("voicecall", value, value); } //Update values of volume function update() { var music = (app.GetVolume("music") * 100).toString().slice(0, 4); var alarm = (app.GetVolume("alarm") * 100).toString().slice(0, 3); var notification = (app.GetVolume("notification") * 100).toString().slice(0, 3); var system = (app.GetVolume("system") * 100).toString().slice(0, 3); var ring = (app.GetVolume("ring") * 100).toString().slice(0, 3); var dtmf = (app.GetVolume("dtmf") * 100).toString().slice(0, 4); var voicecall = (app.GetVolume("voicecall") * 100).toString().slice(0, 4); txt2.SetText("Music=" + " " + music + "%"); txt3.SetText("Alarm=" + " " + alarm + "%"); txt4.SetText("Notification=" + " " + notification + "%"); txt5.SetText("System=" + " " + system + "%"); txt6.SetText("Ring=" + " " + ring + "%"); txt7.SetText("DTMF=" + " " + dtmf + "%"); txt8.SetText("Voicecall=" + " " + voicecall + "%") skbVol1.SetValue(music / 100); skbVol2.SetValue(alarm / 100); skbVol3.SetValue(notification / 100); skbVol4.SetValue(system / 100); skbVol5.SetValue(ring / 100); skbVol6.SetValue(dtmf / 100); skbVol7.SetValue(voicecall / 100); } //Called when the menu key is pressed function OnMenu(item) { var item; switch (item) { case "About": About(); break; case "Exit": app.Exit(); break; default: } } //About function About() { var dlg = app.CreateDialog("About"); var lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", ""); var text = app.CreateText("", - 1, - 1, "FontAwesome,Html,Link") text.SetTextSize(25); var txt = '

This program is developed by Titus Taiti

Get more apps and tutorials here' text.SetHtml(txt); lay.AddChild(text); dlg.AddLayout(lay); dlg.Show(); } /* Note that values of notification, system, ring and dtmf all change values on adjusting one of them. */ [[:|Home]]>>[[sample_code:|Sample Code]]\\