Table of Contents

Crypt control

This control provides methods for encryption and decryption.


Some controls use the same methods.
For examples of the same methods look here.

Method Description
Crypt.Decrypt( text,password )
Crypt.Encrypt( text,password )
Crypt.Hash( text,mode )

Sample code

The code samples available from the IDE include a Security Encryption sample which demonstrates the use of this control.

Password check

The following code demonstrates the use of an md5 hash to check a password.

The first time a password is entered, its hash is saved. Every subsequent time, the password's hash is compared against the saved version.

If it does not match, the app does not continue.

//Called when application is started.
function OnStart()
    var chk = app.LoadText("hash","unset");
    var pass = prompt("Please enter password","");
    if (pass==null) app.Exit();
    var crypt = app.CreateCrypt();
    var md5 = crypt.Hash( pass, "MD5" );
    md5 = md5.substr(0,22);
    if (chk == "unset") app.SaveText("hash", md5)
    else if(chk != md5)
        app.ShowPopup("Incorrect password");
    //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );    
    //Create a text label and add it to layout.
    txt = app.CreateText( "Welcome" );
    txt.SetTextSize( 32 );
    lay.AddChild( txt );
    //Add layout to app.    
    app.AddLayout( lay );