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For downloading files (including zip files) direct to sdcard, you can use the app.CreateDownloader() method like this:

dload = app.CreateDownloader();


Method Description
Downloader.Download(sourceURI,destPath) Start download. You can pass a comma seperated list of file urls to download. destPath should be a valid and accessible folder on the device
Downloader.GetProgress() returns fract value 0..1, but “NaN” if not yet started
Downloader.IsComplete() returns true/false
Downloader.SetOnComplete(callback) Should be done before starting the download.

Example code snippet

dload = app.CreateDownloader();
dload.SetOnComplete( dload_OnComplete );
dload.Download( srcFileUrl, targetDir );
function dload_OnComplete()
    // we know download is ready now
    // (but not if success or not)


Option Description
NoDialog Hides the default download dialog

Thanks to Dave (forum: