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Image Grid Plugin

(Information and examples taken from the Plugin documentation)

This documentation is just for your information. You can just work with the samples after you have downloaded and payed for the Plugin.


The ImageGrid plugin provides a high performance, multi-threaded thumbnail viewing grid, with in-built memory and disk caching.

This control is suitable for providing 'gallery style' image browsing experiences to the user. It can display images from both local and remote sources.

To use the ImageGrid, you must first load the plugin at the top of your script using the LoadPlugin method like this:

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );

Then you can create an instance of the image grid when you need it using the CreateImageGrid method:

grid = app.CreateImageGrid( list, width, height, cols, rows, cacheSize, options );

The list parameter should be an array or comma separated list of image file names. The width and height parameters set the size of the grid as a fraction of the screen width and height.

The cols parameter sets the number of grid columns required and the rows parameter sets the number of grid rows shown per screen.

The optional cacheSize parameter sets the number of megabytes reserved on disk to cache images, which vastly improves performance when re-displaying the same images (it defaults to 50).

The options parameter may contain the following values that determine the way that the images are scaled within each grid cell: crop, fit, fill, shrink.

You may want use the SetSpacing method to set the size of the border between each image and the SetBackColor method to change the background color (for example to black rather than the default white).

The following methods are provided by the ImageGrid object:

The following general methods are also avaiable:

Example - Display and select

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  var files = app.ListFolder( "/sdcard/DCIM/Camera", ".jpg", 1000, "FullPath" );
  grid = app.CreateImageGrid( files, 1,1, 3,5 );
  grid.SetOnTouch( grid_OnTouch );
  grid.SetOnLongTouch( grid_OnLongTouch );
  lay.AddChild( grid );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function grid_OnTouch( fileName )
  alert( fileName );
function grid_OnLongTouch( fileName )
  alert( fileName );

Example - Remove image

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  var files = app.ListFolder( "/sdcard/DCIM/Camera", ".jpg", 1000, "FullPath" );
  grid = app.CreateImageGrid( files, 1,0.7, 3,5 );
  lay.AddChild( grid );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Remove", 0.3 );
  btn.SetOnTouch( btnRemove_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function btnRemove_OnTouch()
  grid.RemoveItemByIndex( 0 );

Example - Album art

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  grid = app.CreateImageGrid( "", 0.9,0.9, 1,2 );
  lay.AddChild( grid );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  media = app.CreateMediaStore();
  media.SetOnAlbumsResult( media_OnAlbumsResult );
  media.QueryAlbums( "", "", "external" );
function media_OnAlbumsResult( result )
  s = "";
  for( var i=0; i<result.length; i++ )
    if( result[i].albumArt!="null" )
      s += (i>0?",":"") + result[i].albumArt;
  grid.SetList( s, "," );

Example - Assets

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  var files = app.ListFolder( "/Assets/Img", ".png", 0, "FullPath" );
  grid = app.CreateImageGrid( files, 1,1, 5,7 );
  lay.AddChild( grid );
  app.AddLayout( lay );

Example - Remote

app.LoadPlugin( "ImageGrid" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  var files =
  grid = app.CreateImageGrid( files, 1,1, 3,6, -1, "fit" );
  lay.AddChild( grid );
  app.AddLayout( lay );