Table of Contents

Sample File Picker

This is a simple file choosing dialog which is offered for use on DroidScript v1.12

When the next version of DroidScript is released, I will tidy it up a bit and add a filter for file extensions.

Thanks to Tony Jones for testing it on DroidScript v1.12 and confirming that it works.

See also Sample Folder Picker

The code

//Called when application is started
function OnStart(){
    //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Vertical,FillXY" );    
    //Create a text label and add it to layout.
    btn = app.CreateButton( "FilePicker demo" );
    lay.AddChild( btn );
    pick = new FilePicker(mycallback);
    // don't show hidden files
    //Add layout to app.    
    app.AddLayout( lay );
}//function Onstart()
function btn_OnTouch(){
}//function btn_OnTouch()
function mycallback(fullpath){
  app.Alert("user chose " + fullpath)
}//function mycallback()
function FilePicker(Callback,basePath){
  var self = this;
  this.basePath = basePath || "/sdcard";
  this.callback = Callback || function(){};
  this.FolderPath = this.basePath;
  this.hideHiddenFiles = false;
  this.dlg = app.CreateDialog(this.basePath);
  this.lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "horizontal,fillxy,left" );
  this.lstFolds = app.CreateList("blank" , 0.35, 0.7 );
  this.lstFolds.parent = self;
  this.lstFiles = app.CreateList("blank" , 0.35, 0.7 );
  this.lstFiles.parent = self;
  this.Show = function(){
    if(val == undefined) val = true;
    self.hideHiddenFiles = val;
  this.Hide = function(){
  this.SetFilter = function(filter){
      self.fileFilter = filter;
  this.GetFolder = function(){
    return self.FolderPath;
  this.SetFolder = function(folderPath){
    self.FolderPath = folderPath;
    app.ShowProgress( "Loading..." );
    var lst = app.ListFolder(folderPath);
    lst.sort(function(x,y){return (x.toLowerCase() > y.toLowerCase())?1:-1});
    var ths = lst.shift();
    if( self.FolderPath != self.basePath )
    while (undefined != ths) {
      if ((! self.hideHiddenFiles) || (ths.indexOf(".") != 0)){
        var pth = folderPath + "/" + ths;
        if (app.IsFolder(pth))
      ths = lst.shift();
}//function FilePicker()
function FilePicker_NewFolder(fil){
  var par = this.parent;
  var pth = par.GetFolder();
  if (fil != "..") {
      pth += "/" + fil
     if( pth == par.basePath || pth == "/" ){
     var tst = pth.split("/");
     tmp = tst.pop();
     pth = (tst.join("/"));
     if(pth=="") pth = "/";
}//function FilePicker_NewFolder()
function FilePicker_NewFile(fil){
  var par = this.parent;
  var pth = par.GetFolder();
  par.callback(pth += "/" + fil);
}//function FilePicker_NewFile()

How to use it

You need three function from the code above

function FilePicker
function FilePicker_NewFolder
function FilePicker_NewFile

In your main code, you need something like

    pick = new FilePicker(myCallBack);

where myCallBack is a function which is called when a file is chosen. It is defined like

function myCallBack(fullpath){
    app.ShowPopup("user chose " + fullpath)

and it passes you the full path of the file that is chosen.