Image array

Click part of the image to store a number in a 2d array representing the rectangles of the image.

Click a rectangle multiple times and it will toggle between 1 and 2.

A colour-coded rectangle appears on the image to show what value was in the array before it was updated.

This is intended as a demo of one way to treat an image as a grid.

var cellData=[],img;
//Called when application is started.
function OnStart()
    //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
    var lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );    
    //Create image control and add it to layout.
    img = app.CreateImage( null, 0.9, 0.5 );
    lay.AddChild( img );
    // horizontal layout for buttons
    var hlay=app.CreateLayout("Linear","Horizontal");
    var btnSave=app.CreateButton("Save");
    var btnLoad=app.CreateButton("Load");
    var btnClear=app.CreateButton("Clear");
    var btnFresh=app.CreateButton("Refresh");
    //Add layout to app.    
    app.AddLayout( lay );
    //force initial load fro file
//user touched image - update cell
function imgOnTouch(ev)
     var row,col,val ;
         row = Math.floor(ev.Y/this.cellHeight);
         col = Math.floor(ev.X/this.cellWidth);
         val = getData(row,col);
         val = (val+1)%2;
//draw a single value to img
function drawCell(row,col)
    var val=getData(row,col)
    var x1 = col*img.cellWidth;
    var y1 = row*img.cellHeight;
    var x2 = x1 + img.cellWidth;
    var y2 = y1 + img.cellHeight;
    if(val < 0)
    else if(val === 0)
    else if(val === 1)
// draw all data to img
function populate()
    var row, cell, dataLen, rowLen, i, j;
    dataLen = cellData.length;
    for(i=0; i<dataLen ;i++) 
        row = cellData[i];
        rowLen = row.length;
        if(rowLen===0) rowLen=1 ;
// get a value from 2d array
function getData(row,col)
   var ret;
   if (cellData.length < row +1)
      return -1;  // represents unset
   ret = cellData[row][col];
      return -1;
   return ret;
//write a value to 2d array
function setData(row,col,value)
   // create any intervening rows
   while (cellData.length < row +1)
//save data to file
function btnSaveOnTouch()
    var data = JSON.stringify(cellData);
// get data from file and redraw
function btnLoadOnTouch()
    var data = app.ReadFile("/sdcard/picData");
    cellData = JSON.parse(data);
// clear data and redraw
function btnClearOnTouch()
    cellData = [];