Webviews are useful where you want to format a dynamic page, for example, you retrieve some data from sqlite and want to display it in a HTML table.

If you want to embed links or buttons in the HTML, you need a way to pass data back to DS: use app.Execute.

Below is an example with two buttons, pressing a button raises a popup and displays the text passed back from the webview.

function OnStart() 
    var appjs='<script src="file:///android_asset/app.js"></script>';
    // note the backslashes escaping the single quotes below
    var myjs = '<script type="text/javascript">' +
                ' function myboo(id){ app.Execute("b_test(\'" + id + "\')")}</script>' ;
    lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "VCenter,FillXY");     
    web = app.CreateWebView(0.8, 0.8);   
    var b1 = "<button id= 'boo' onclick=myboo(id)>say boo</button>";
    var b2 = "<button id='bah' onclick=myboo(id)>say bah</button>"; 
    web.LoadHtml(appjs + myjs + b1 + b2);
function b_test(x) { app.ShowPopup(x); };