Table of Contents

DS 1.76


- Added support for ublox-7 USB GPS module + Sample.

- Added android:directBootAware to enable USB serial devices at boot.

- Changed Hello World sample so it's not re-created every time.

- Fixed problem with NV21toRGB32 function during camera image processing.

DS 1.76b1


- Fixed problem with NV21toRGB32 function during camera image processing.

- Added support for ublox-7 USB GPS module + Sample.

- Added android:directBootAware to enable USB serial devices at boot.

- Changed Hello World sample so it's not re-created every time.

DS 1.75b2


- Added missing 64 bit libs for FastCanvas.

DS 1.75b1


- Fixed logic of app.SetOptions( “usebrowser”) was inverted for HTML apps.

- Fixed anchor tags with local relative file paths in HTML apps and WebViews.

- Removed admin filter from manifest (please use 'X' version of DS for kiosk apps)

DS 1.75a3


- Fixed Webview data dir prefix issue for Android 9.

- lst.SetEllipsize now sets both title and body.

- GameView physics enabled for Text objects.

- GameView Tween method fixed for Text objects.

- obj.IsOverlap() fixed for Linear Layouts.

- Temporarily removed support for NoDom option.

- Removed support for GameView 'gles' mode.

DS 1.75a2


- Added support for 64bit and API28 (required by Google Play)

- app.SetKioskMode( “LockTask”, true ) enables proper Android COSU kiosk apps.

- app.SetKioskMode( “Pin”, true ) enables proper pinning/unpinning of tasks.

- app.ReplaceInFile() options param can now be left blank.

- app.ReplaceInFile() now accepts regex strings.

- Updated GameView intellisense to include Text object.

- Improved gfx.CreateText() to allow numerics (previously had to use .toString()).

- Added gfx.RemoveText(), gfx.RemoveGraphic(), gfx.RemoveBackground() methods.

- Added sprite.Contains(x,y) method.

- Added sprite.Flip( sprite, horiz, vert ) method.

DS 1.75a1

- Updated some samples to use 'this' instead of app.GetLast*

- Removed app.CreateListView(), use app.CreateListDialog instead.

- Sped up SQLite callbacks again.

- Added 'modal' and 'kiosk' option to app.CreateDialog().

- Fixed custom dialog sizing issue when using app.SetDensity().