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plugins:barcode_reader [2015/03/26 10:51]
octazid created
plugins:barcode_reader [2015/03/26 10:53]
octazid [Sample App]
Line 115: Line 115:
 <code javascript> <code javascript>
 +app.LoadPlugin( "BarcodeReader" );
 +//Called when application is started.
 +function OnStart()
 +  //Fix orientation to landscape.
 +  app.SetOrientation( "Landscape" );
 +  //Stop screen turning off.
 +  app.PreventScreenLock( true );
 +  //Create a layout to fill the screen.
 +  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Absolute", "FillXY" );
 +  //Create the barcode reader. 
 +  reader = app.CreateObject( "BarcodeReader" );
 +  //Create camera view control
 +  //(UseYUV is required for use with BarcodeReader)
 +  cam = app.CreateCameraView( 0.8, 1.0, "VGA, UseYUV" );
 +  cam.SetPosition( 0.1, 0 );
 +  cam.SetOnReady( cam_OnReady );
 +  lay.AddChild( cam );
 +  //Add main layout to app.
 +  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
 +//Called when camera is ready.
 +function cam_OnReady()
 +  //Create an image control over the top of the 
 +  //camera view with transparency (alpha) so
 +  //we can show a framed area.
 +  img = app.CreateImage( null, 1.0, 1.0 ); 
 +  img.SetAlpha( 0.5 ); 
 +  lay.AddChild( img ); 
 +  img.SetPaintColor( "#ff0000" );
 +  img.SetPaintStyle( "Line" );
 +  img.SetLineWidth( 2.5 );
 +  img.DrawRectangle( 0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8 );
 +  //Create a layout for instruction text
 +  //and flash checkbox.
 +  overlay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY" );
 +  lay.AddChild(overlay);
 +  //Create the instruction text.
 +  txt = app.CreateText( "Position a barcode in the frame to read it" );
 +  txt.SetMargins( 0,0.05,0,0 );
 +  txt.SetPadding( 0.01,0,0.01,0 );
 +  txt.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" );
 +  txt.SetBackColor( "#44000000" );
 +  txt.SetTextSize( 18 );
 +  overlay.AddChild( txt );
 +  //Create Use Flash check box.
 +  chkFlash = app.CreateCheckBox( "Use Flash" );
 +  chkFlash.SetMargins( 0,0.75,0,0 );
 +  chkFlash.SetPadding( 0.01,0,0.01,0 );
 +  chkFlash.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" );
 +  chkFlash.SetBackColor( "#44000000" );
 +  chkFlash.SetTextSize( 18 );
 +  chkFlash.SetOnTouch( chkFlash_OnTouch );
 +  overlay.AddChild( chkFlash );
 +  //Start preview.
 +  cam.StartPreview();
 +  //Macro focus mode works best for 
 +  //reading barcodes.
 +  cam.SetFocusMode( "macro" );
 +  //Start decoding the camera preview.
 +  DecodeFromCamera();
 +//Handle Use Flash checkbox touch
 +function chkFlash_OnTouch( value )
 +cam.SetFlash( value );
 +function DecodeFromCamera()
 +  //Attempt to detect a barcode in the 
 +  //camera preview.
 +  var result = reader.Decode( cam );
 +  //If result is not null, a barcode 
 +  //was detected.
 +  if( result != null )
 +  {
 +    //Vibrate and show result dialog.
 +    app.Vibrate( "0,100,30,100,50,300" );
 +    ShowResult( result );
 +  }
 +  else
 +  {
 +    //Decode again in 200 milliseconds.
 +    setTimeout( DecodeFromCamera, 200 );
 +  }
 +function ShowResult( result )
 +  //Create dialog window.
 +  resultDlg = app.CreateDialog( result.barcodeType, "NoCancel" );
 +  //Create a layout for dialog.
 +  layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical, FillXY" );
 +  layDlg.SetPadding( 0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.02 );
 +  resultDlg.AddLayout( layDlg );
 +  //Create text for the content type name.
 +  txtDlg = app.CreateText( result.contentType );
 +  txtDlg.SetTextSize( 22 );
 +  txtDlg.SetTextColor( "#0099CC" );
 +  layDlg.AddChild( txtDlg );
 +  //Create a scroller for the content.
 +  scrDlg = app.CreateScroller( 0.4, 0.45 );
 +  scrDlg.SetMargins( 0, 0.01, 0, 0 );
 +  layDlg.AddChild( scrDlg );
 +  //Create text for the content.
 +  txtDlg = app.CreateText( result.content, 0.4, -1, "Multiline" );
 +  txtDlg.SetTextSize( 18 );
 +  scrDlg.AddChild( txtDlg );
 +  //Create an Ok button to dismiss the dialog.
 +  btnDlg = app.CreateButton( "Ok" );
 +  btnDlg.SetOnTouch( resultDlg_OnOk );
 +  layDlg.AddChild( btnDlg );
 +  //Show dialog.
 +  resultDlg.Show();
 +//Called when the result dialog Ok button is pressed 
 +function resultDlg_OnOk()
 +  resultDlg.Dismiss();
 +  //Start decoding again.
 +  DecodeFromCamera();
 </code> </code>
plugins/barcode_reader.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/26 18:53 (external edit)