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Version 2.50 is out since Jan 1st 2022

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Please feel free to improve any existing page, as well as adding new pages to increase the sum of public knowledge about DroidScript.

Formatting Syntax


This is an old revision of the document!

Method finder

This is a tool that I use at home to enable me to look at what methods are available in most of the controls I use.

It is incomplete as it does not drill down far enough but it is much better than nothing.


Please be aware that using undocumented functions is not recommended by the DroidScript developers and you do so at your own risk.
Please also be aware that the “Manually entered code” option can be very dangerous.


Andreas Rozek would recognize much of the code as the heart of it is stolen from his post at!topic/androidscript/o_RCNR5ozAE

Thanks also to Salvatore Fusto for finding a bug in the app.

The code

// Introspection lite tool for home use by Steve Garman
// Main code stolen from AppInspector by Andreas Rozek 
//Global variables
var myobj = app;
var ListView, menuView, FunctionView
var main_header_txt, edtFilter, dlg, edtDlg;
var lastMenu = "app";
var pasteable = "null";
var vers = Math.floor((app.GetVersion()
      +.0005) * 100);
var docfold = "/sdcard/sjgDocs/androidscript/"+vers;
var docfile = docfold + "/null.txt";
var evalsfile = docfold + "/evals.txt"
//Called when application is started.
function OnStart(){
    app.EnableBackKey( false );
    //Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
    var lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Vertical,FillXY" );  
    add_top_bar( lay );
/**** prepare page area ****/
    var PageArea = app.CreateLayout('frame','fillxy');
    var control_list = "app,layout,Manually entered code,Button,CameraView,CheckBox"
    menuView = app.CreateList( control_list, -1,-1, 'fillxy');
    ListView = app.CreateList("", -1,-1, 'fillxy');
  /**** prepare detail view ****/
    FunctionView = app.CreateTextEdit('',-1,-1);
//FunctionView = app.CreateTextEdit('',-1,-1,"nospell");
    //Add layout to app.    
    app.AddLayout( lay );
function add_top_bar (lyout, opts){
  //basic top bar layout
  var lay_bar = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,Left, FillX" );
  lay_bar.SetBackGradient( "#444444", "#888888" );
  //add app name if required - stolen for object/function name in this app
  main_header_txt = app.CreateText( lastMenu , -1, -1 );
  main_header_txt.SetTextSize( 24 );
  main_header_txt.SetPadding( 0.01, 0, 0.01, 0 );
  lay_bar.AddChild( main_header_txt );
  var filterlabel = app.CreateText("Func filter:");
  lay_bar.AddChild( filterlabel );
  edtFilter = app.CreateTextEdit("",0.3);
  edtFilter.SetPadding( 0.01, 0, 0, 0.001 );
  lyout.AddChild( lay_bar );
function menuView_OnTouch(name){
  lastMenu = name;
  switch(name) {
    case "layout":
        myobj = app.CreateLayout( "linear" ) ;
    case "Button":
        myobj = app.CreateButton("x");
    case "Text":
        myobj = main_header_txt;
    case "Image":
        myobj = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Hello.png" );
    case "Notification":
        myobj = app.CreateNotification() ;
    case "CheckBox":
        myobj = app.CreateCheckBox( "x" );
    case "Crypt":
        myobj = app.CreateCrypt();
    case "Database":
        myobj = app.OpenDatabase("MyData");
    case "Dialog":
        myobj = app.CreateDialog("");
    case "ToggleButton":
        myobj = app.CreateToggle( "x" );
    case "SeekBar":
        myobj = app.CreateSeekBar( "x" );
    case "List":
        myobj = ListView;
    case "TextEdit":
        myobj = FunctionView;
    case "WebView":
        myobj = app.CreateWebView( 0.8,0.8 );
    case "WebServer":
        myobj = app.CreateWebServer( 8080, "Upload,ListDir" );
    case "CameraView":
        myobj = app.CreateCameraView( 0.8,0.8 );
    case "Sensor":
       myobj = app.CreateSensor( "Accelerometer" );
    case "Email":
      myobj = app.CreateEmail( "", "MyPass" );
    case "Locator":
       myobj = app.CreateLocator( "GPS,Network" );
    case "Spinner":
       myobj= app.CreateSpinner("1,2");
    case "SMS":
       myobj = app.CreateSMS();
    case "YesNoDialog":
        myobj = app.CreateYesNoDialog("");
    case("Manually entered code"):
        lastMenu = "app";
  main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu );
  function prepareFunctionList(){
/**** prepare list view ****/
    var objFunctionList;
    objFunctionList = [];
    var filter = edtFilter.GetText().trim().toLowerCase()
    for (var Key in myobj) {
      var keyword= Key.toLowerCase()
      if ((filter == "") || (keyword.indexOf(filter) > -1)){
        if (myobj.hasOwnProperty(Key) && (typeof myobj[Key] === 'function')) {
    ListView.SetList( objFunctionList.join(','), ",")
    if(filter != "" ) filter = "Filtered [" + filter + "]\n";
    pasteable = filter + lastMenu + ".";
    var copyDelim = "\n" + lastMenu + ".";
    pasteable += objFunctionList.join( copyDelim )
    docfile = docfold + "/" + lastMenu + ".txt";
  function showMenuView(){
    main_header_txt.SetText( "Choose Control" );
  function showAppFunction (Name) {
    main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu + "." + Name );
  function showOverview () {
    main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu );
  function edtFilterOnChange(){
    if( ListView.GetVisibility() == "Show" ){
  function OnBack(){
    if (menuView.GetVisibility() == "Show") {
      var pasteOnExit = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Copy to clipboard and create text file?" );
      pasteOnExit.SetOnTouch( pasteOnExit_OnTouch );
    else if( ListView.GetVisibility() == "Show" ) showMenuView();
    else showOverview();
  function pasteOnExit_OnTouch( result ){
    if( result=="Yes" ){
      app.SetClipboardText( pasteable );
      if( ! app.FolderExists( docfold ) )
        app.MakeFolder ( docfold );
      app.WriteFile( docfile, pasteable );
function showEval(){
    dlg = app.CreateDialog("eval - use with care");
    var layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "vertical,fillxy,left" );
    layDlg.SetPadding( 0.02, 0, 0.02, 0.02 );
    edtDlg = app.CreateTextEdit('app.CreateText( "Hello" )',-1,-1,'NoSpell');
    dlg.AddLayout( layDlg );
    var horiz = app.CreateLayout("linear", "horizontal,fillxy");
    horiz.SetPadding( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0 );
    var btn = app.CreateButton("Ok", 0.2);
    btn = app.CreateButton("Cancel",0.2);
function dlg_ok(){
    myobj = eval(edtDlg.GetText());
    if ((myobj != null) && (myobj.hasOwnProperty("GetType"))){
      lastMenu = myobj.GetType();
      app.WriteFile(evalsfile, edtDlg.GetText()+"\n","append");
      lastMenu = "Eval";
    main_header_txt.SetText( lastMenu );
function dlg_canc(){

I have placed an spk of this app at which should create a project in the DroidScript IDE for you.

And for the sake of completeness, there is an apk at which you could download and install if your device is set up to allow apks that don't come from Google Play.

sample_code/introspector.1427572871.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/29 04:01 (external edit)