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sample_code:visitor_log [2014/10/19 10:50]
stevegarman Set to Landscape
sample_code:visitor_log [2014/12/07 05:05]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Visitor log ====== 
-This is the first working draft of a visitor sign-in log for my workplace. 
-The live version includes more error-checking for signing out, extra code to deal with the possibility that the app is left running over midnight and a fair bit of prettying up. 
-===== The code ===== 
-<code javascript visitors.js> 
-//Visitor sign-in app by Steve Garman 
-//saves one day's data as a JSON string in a file 
-//Global variables 
-var recArray = [], fileFolder = "/sdcard/sjgApps/", jsonPath; 
-//Global layouts and controls 
-var scrollr, layScroll, edtName, edtOrg, edtVehicle,edtReason; 
-//Called when application is started. 
-function OnStart(){ 
-  if( ! app.IsTablet()) app.SetOrientation("Landscape"); 
-  //file variables 
-  var d = new Date(); 
-  jsonPath = fileFolder + "vistorBook" + 
-     d.toISOString().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,"_") 
-     + ".json"; 
-  app.MakeFolder(fileFolder) 
-  //Create main layout. 
-  var lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Left" ); 
-  //Create a scroller and add it to main layout 
-  scrollr = app.CreateScroller( 1.0, 0.8 );  
-  lay.AddChild( scrollr );   
-  //Create a layout inside scroller.  
-  layScroll = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Left"); 
-  scrollr.AddChild( layScroll ); 
-  //Create a sign-in layout 
-  var layNew = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Horizontal,Left"); 
-  edtName = app.CreateTextEdit("", .16); 
-  edtName.SetHint("Name"); 
-  layNew.AddChild(edtName); 
-  edtOrg = app.CreateTextEdit("", .16); 
-  edtOrg.SetHint("Organization"); 
-  layNew.AddChild(edtOrg); 
-  edtVehicle = app.CreateTextEdit("", .16); 
-  edtVehicle.SetHint("Vehicle reg."); 
-  layNew.AddChild(edtVehicle); 
-  edtReason = app.CreateTextEdit("", .16); 
-  edtReason.SetHint("Reason for visit"); 
-  layNew.AddChild(edtReason); 
-  var btnCreate = app.CreateButton("Ok"); 
-  btnCreate.SetOnTouch(btnCreate_OnClick); 
-  layNew.AddChild(btnCreate); 
-  //Add sign-in layout to main layout 
-  lay.AddChild(layNew); 
-  //Add main layout to app.     
-  app.AddLayout( lay ); 
-  //check if today's visitor book already active. 
-  if(app.FileExists(jsonPath)){ 
-    loadJSONfile(); 
-  } 
-function btnCreate_OnClick( ){ 
-  app.HideKeyboard(); 
-  var name = edtName.GetText(); 
-  var org = edtOrg.GetText(); 
-  var reg = edtVehicle.GetText(); 
-  var reason = edtReason.GetText(); 
-  //check required fields 
-  var errs = ""; 
-  if ( name == "" ) errs = "'Name' "; 
-  if ( reason == "" ) errs = errs + "'Reason for visit' "; 
-  if ( errs != ""){ 
-    //bail out 
-    app.Alert( errs + "cannot be empty"); 
-    return; 
-  } 
-  // clear sign-in form for next visitor 
-  edtName.SetText(""); 
-  edtOrg.SetText(""); 
-  edtVehicle.SetText(""); 
-  edtReason.SetText(""); 
-  // create a record 
-  var obj = {}; 
- = name; 
- = org; 
-  obj.reg = reg; 
-  obj.reason = reason; 
-  var d = new Date(); 
-  obj.timeIn = d.toTimeString().slice(0,5); 
-  obj.timeOut = "Out"; 
-  // add this record to the array 
-  recArray.push( obj ); 
-  saveJSONfile(); 
-  // display record on scroller 
-  layScroll.AddChild( recordLayout(obj) ); 
-  scrollr.ScrollTo(0, layScroll.GetHeight()); 
-function btnOut_OnClick( ){ 
-  //has this visitor already signed out? 
-  if (this.GetText() != "Out") return; 
-  //not yet, so record time out 
-  var d = new Date(); 
-  this.obj.timeOut = d.toTimeString().slice(0,5); 
-  this.SetText(this.obj.timeOut); 
-  //update copy of recArray on file 
-  saveJSONfile(); 
-function recordLayout(obj){ 
-  //create a new horizontal layout to display this record 
-  var newlay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,FillXY" ); 
-  var txt = app.CreateText(, 0.15); 
-  newlay.AddChild(txt); 
-  txt = app.CreateText(, 0.15); 
-  newlay.AddChild(txt); 
-  txt = app.CreateText(obj.reg, 0.15); 
-  newlay.AddChild(txt); 
-  txt = app.CreateText(obj.reason, 0.15); 
-  newlay.AddChild(txt); 
-  txt = app.CreateText(obj.timeIn, 0.15); 
-  newlay.AddChild(txt); 
-  var btn = app.CreateButton(obj.timeOut, 0.15); 
-  btn.obj = obj; 
-  btn.SetOnTouch(btnOut_OnClick); 
-  newlay.AddChild(btn); 
-  return newlay; 
-function saveJSONfile(){ 
-  //update copy of recArray on file 
-  var s = JSON.stringify(recArray); 
-  app.WriteFile(jsonPath, s ) 
-function loadJSONfile(){ 
-  //read copy of recArray from file 
-  var s = app.ReadFile(jsonPath) 
-  recArray = JSON.parse(s) 
-  var len = recArray.length; 
-  for (var i=0; i<len;i++){ 
-    var obj = recArray[i]; 
-    layScroll.AddChild( recordLayout(obj) ); 
-  } 
-  scrollr.ScrollTo(0, layScroll.GetHeight()); 
-===== Notes ===== 
-This app was designed for a tablet. It is a replacement for an old paper form and is designed to be similar. 
-The final version is in use on a 7-inch tablet, which is mainly kept in landscape mode, though sometimes they rotate the tablet to make it easier to log-out a visitor who is way back the list. 
-At the suggestion of Jorge Ramirez, I have set the orientation to Landscape if it is being used on a phone. 
-The final version includes code to save previous files to a network server and the internal code to deal with date/time is significantly more robust, so that visitors who have not been logged out can be copied across to the live list as part of the backup process. 
sample_code/visitor_log.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/12/07 05:05 (external edit)