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This is an old revision of the document!

The Button control

(Information and examples taken from the DroidScript documentation)


Create buttons using the CreateButton method of the app object:

btn = app.CreateButton( text, width, height, options );

You can allow the button to auto-size by leaving out the dimensions or you can specify a width and height as decimal fractions. Setting the width and height to -1 whilst using the 'FillX' option will allow it to fill the layout width.

Use the SetOnTouch method of your button object to set the name of a function you want to be called when the button is touched.

Various button styles can be set by including a style name in the options parameter


Some controls use the same methods.
For examples of the same methods look here.

Method Description
Button.GetText() fetches the recent caption (text) of a button
Button.GetTextSize( mode )
Button.SetFontFile( file )
Button.SetHtml( html )
Button.SetMargins( left,top,right,bottom )
Button.SetOnTouch( callback )
Button.SetOnTouchEx( p1 )
Button.SetPadding( left,top,right,bottom )
Button.SetPosition( left, top, width, height )
Button.SetScale( x,y )
Button.SetSize( width, height )
Button.SetText( text )
Button.SetTextColor( colorcode )
Button.SetTextShadow( radius,dx,dy,color )
Button.SetTextSize( size,mode )
Button.SetVisibility( HideShow )


Option Description
Alum Display the Button in aluminuim style
FillX Fill the layout width
Gray Display the Button in Gray Color
NoSound Play no sound, if the button will be touched

Example - Default Size

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Press Me" );
  btn.SetOnTouch( SayHello );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function SayHello()
  app.ShowPopup("Hello World!");

Example - Fixed Size

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Press Me", 0.5, 0.2 );
  btn.SetOnTouch( SayHello );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function SayHello()
  app.ShowPopup("Hello World!");

Example - Fill layout width

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  lay.SetPadding( 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02 );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Press Me", -1, -1, "FillX" );
  btn.SetOnTouch( SayHello );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function SayHello()
  app.ShowPopup("Hello World!");

Example - Change Style

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical,FillXY" );
  lay.SetPadding( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0 );
  b1 = app.CreateButton( "Normal", -1, -1, "FillX" );
  lay.AddChild( b1 );
  b2 = app.CreateButton( "Gray", -1, -1, "FillX,Gray" );
  lay.AddChild( b2 );
  b3 = app.CreateButton( "Alum", -1, -1, "FillX,Alum" );
  lay.AddChild( b3 );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
built_in/buttons.1437834707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/07/25 22:31 (external edit)