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(Information and examples taken from the DroidScript documentation)


Layouts are the base to position controls over the screen of your Android device. Layouts are container objects which are used to visually organize graphical objects (controls), such as text, buttons and images on the screen. There are 3 types of layout:

  • “Linear”
  • “Frame”
  • “Absolute”

Create layouts using the CreateLayout function of the app object:

 lay = app.CreateLayout( type, options );

Add child objects to a layout using the AddChild function of the layout object.

 lay.AddChild( object );

The alignment of child objects within a layout can be set by adding the options “Left”, “Right”, “Bottom” and “VCenter”, by default objects will be aligned “Top,Center”.
Remove layouts using the RemoveLayout function of the app object:

 app.RemoveLayout( lay );

Linear Layouts

Linear layouts allow you to add controls one after another without overlapping them, in a vertical or horizontal way. Linear layouts are probably the most useful type and are used to organize controls in either the “Vertical” or “Horizontal” direction on screen.

Example - Vertical

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical" );
  btnA = app.CreateButton( "A", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnA );
  btnB = app.CreateButton( "B", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnB );
  btnC = app.CreateButton( "C", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnC );
  app.AddLayout( lay );

Example - Horizontal

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,FillXY" );
  btnA = app.CreateButton( "A", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnA );
  btnB = app.CreateButton( "B", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnB );
  btnC = app.CreateButton( "C", 0.2, 0.1 );
  lay.AddChild( btnC );
  app.AddLayout( lay );

By default Layouts will auto-size to wrap their contents but you have 3 more options as to how a layout sizes within it's parent: “FillX”, “FillY” and “FillXY”.

Example - Combined

function OnStart()
  layVert = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical,FillXY" );
  btnA = app.CreateButton( "A", 0.6, 0.1 );
  layVert.AddChild( btnA );
  layHoriz = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal" );
  layVert.AddChild( layHoriz );
  btnB1 = app.CreateButton( "B1", 0.2, 0.1 );
  layHoriz.AddChild( btnB1 );
  btnB2 = app.CreateButton( "B2", 0.2, 0.1 );
  layHoriz.AddChild( btnB2 );
  btnB3 = app.CreateButton( "B3", 0.2, 0.1 );
  layHoriz.AddChild( btnB3 );
  btnC = app.CreateButton( "C", 0.6, 0.1 );
  layVert.AddChild( btnC );
  app.AddLayout( layVert );

Frame Layouts

Frame layouts are used to display objects in front or behind each other. Every time the AddChild function is called on a Frame layout, the child object is placed in a new layer in front of the previously added object at the top left of the frame. Frame Layouts are useful if you wish to do animated Flips or Slides to reveal layers of objects or use transparency.

Example - Image Swap

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Vertical,FillXY" );
  layFrm = app.CreateLayout( "Frame" );
  img1 = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid1.png" );
  layFrm.AddChild( img1 );
  img2 = app.CreateImage( "/Sys/Img/Droid2.png" );
  img2.SetVisibility( "Hide" );
  layFrm.AddChild( img2 );
  lay.AddChild( layFrm );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Press Me" );
  btn.SetMargins( 0,0.1,0,0 );
  btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function btn_OnTouch()
  if( img2.GetVisibility()=="Hide" )
   img2.SetVisibility( "Show" );
   img2.SetVisibility( "Hide" );

Absolute Layouts

Absolute layouts allows you to add controls in any position relative to the width and height of your screen from 0 to 1. Absolute layouts ignore all alignment options and allow the absolute positioning of controls by calling the SetPosition and SetSize functions of each of the child objects. This type of layout is rarely used and you are encouraged use Linear layouts for most of your programs.

function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Absolute" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Press Me" );
  btn.SetPosition( 0.4,0.4 );
  btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
function btn_OnTouch()
  app.Alert( "This is a Absolute Layout!" );

Padding and Margins

In Linear and Frame Layouts, you can use the SetPadding function of a layout to keep a layout's child objects away from the edges of the layout:

 lay.SetPadding( left, top, right, bottom );

Also every child object within a layout can have margins added by using the SetMargins function of the child object:

 obj.SetMargins( left, top, right, bottom );

Using Linear layouts and setting margins on child objects is usually the best way to position your App's graphical objects.


The background of a layout will be transparent by default, but you can set a color using the SetBackColor function.

 lay.SetBackColor( colorCode );

Colors are given as hex color codes which can be copied from various graphics programs or simply exprimented with until you get the color you want. The format is (#alpha:red:green:blue) where each value can range from 0 to 255 in base 16 which is 00 to ff.
For example “#ff00ff00” would be full strength green and “#ff000088” would be around half strength blue and “#44ff00ff” would be semi-transparent full strength purple.
You can also use a gradient background for a layout using the SetBackGradient and SetBackGradientRadial functions.

 lay.SetBackGradient( colorCode1, colorCode2 );
 lay.SetBackGradientRadial( x, y, radius, colorCode1, colorCode2 );


The visibility of both layouts and child objects can be controlled using the SetVisibility function. Use the values “Show” or “Hide” to make objects invisible or visible and “Gone” to exclude the object from the layout completely (surrounding objects will re-arrange).

 obj.SetVisibility( mode );


Method Description
Layout.AddChild( child,order ) child is the object to add to the Layout. Order is the rang option to make an object behind an other Object.
Layout.Animate( type, callback, time ) known types: SlideFromLeft,SlideFromRight,SlideFromTop,SlideFromBottom,SlideToLeft,SlideToRight,SlideToTop,SlideToBottom,ScaleFromLeft, ScaleFromRight,ScaleFromTop, ScaleFromBottom, ScaleToLeft, ScaleToRight, ScaleToTop,ScaleToBottom,FadeIn,FadeOut,Flip
Layout.ChildToFront( child )
Layout.Destroy() This function Destroys a Layout forever.
Layout.DestroyChild( child ) This function Destroys a child of a Layout forever.
Layout.GetChildOrder( child ) This function returns the rang of an Object of a Layout.
Layout.GetHeight() This returns the Height of an Layout.
Layout.GetPosition() This returns the Position of an Layout.
Layout.GetType() This returns the string “Layout”
Layout.GetVisibility() This returns a Layout's visibility mode. “Hide”, “Show” or “Gone”
Layout.GetWidth() This returns the Width of an Layout.
Layout.SetOnTouch( callback ) Does not work in 'TouchThrough' mode
Layout.SetOnTouchDown( callback ) only OnTouchDown works when in 'TouchThrough' mode
Layout.SetOnTouchMove( callback ) Does not work in 'TouchThrough' mode
Layout.SetOnTouchUp( callback ) Does not work in 'TouchThrough' mode
Layout.RemoveChild( child ) This removes a Child of an Layout, this Child can be added again with Layout.AddChild( child ).
Layout.SetBackColor( colorCode ) This sets the Background Color of an Layout.
Layout.SetBackGradient( color1,color2,color3,p4,p5,p6,p7 ) This sets 3 Background Colors for the Layout which are splited at a Line between p4 and p5 or between p6 and p7.
Layout.SetBackGradientRadial( x,y,r,color1,color2,color3,p7 )
Layout.SetBackground( imageFile, options ) You can set an Image as the Background of an Layout ( Layout.SetBackground( “Img/test.png”);). options is an optional string that can be “repeat”
Layout.SetMargins( left,top,right,bottom )
Layout.SetOrientation( orient ) “Portrait” or “Landscape”
Layout.SetPadding( left, top, right, bottom )
Layout.SetPosition( left, top, width, height )
Layout.SetScale( x,y )
Layout.SetSize( width, height )
Layout.SetTouchable( touchable )
Layout.SetVisibility( visibility ) “Hide”, “Show” or “Gone”


You can combine options too. Use the comma to seperate the options:

app.CreateLayout("Linear", "Horizontal,FillXY,TouchThrough");
built_in/layouts.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/08 02:02 (external edit)