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Formatting Syntax


BBC micro:bit

Taken from the official DroidScript documentation with some more texts and API documentation.

Getting Started

:!: Please make sure you have the Espruino firmware file installed on your micro:bit before trying to use this plugin. See for more details.

:!: You have to install the plugin over the plugin section within DroidScript

Using the BBC micro:bit Plugin

In order to use the micro:bit, you must first load the plugin at the top of your script using the LoadPlugin method like this:

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );

Then you can create the microbit object like this:

microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();

You will need to connect to your micro:bit using Bluetooth and you can scan for it like this:

microbit = microbit.Scan();

MicroBit Methods

Using MicroBitCtrl Control

This control shows micro:bit image which shows interactive LED array and Bluetooth indicator.

In order to use the MicroBitCtrl control, you must first load the plugin and initialize MicroBit object:

//Load the MicroBit plugin.
app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
//Called when application is started.
function OnStart()
  //Lock screen orientation to Portrait.
  app.SetOrientation( "Portrait" );
  //Create our main layout.
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  lay.SetBackColor( "#222222" );
  //Create the Microbit plugin.
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
  //Create MicroBit controller.
  ctrl = microbit.CreateController( 0.9 );
  lay.AddChild( ctrl );
  //Create horizontal layout for buttons
  layButs = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal" );
  layButs.SetMargins( 0,0.05,0,0 );
  lay.AddChild( layButs );
  //Create a bluetooth connect button.
  btnConnect = app.CreateButton( "[fa-bluetooth-b]", 0.25, 0.15, "FontAwesome" );
  btnConnect.SetTextSize( 66 );
  btnConnect.SetTextColor( "#3366ff" );
  btnConnect.SetOnTouch( txtBT_OnTouchDown );
  layButs.AddChild( btnConnect );
  //Create clear button.
  btnClear= app.CreateButton( "[fa-times]", 0.25, 0.15, "FontAwesome" );
  btnClear.SetTextSize( 66 );
  btnClear.SetTextColor( "#ff4444" );
  btnClear.SetOnTouch( btnClear_OnClick );
  layButs.AddChild( btnClear );
  //Add main layout to the app.
  app.AddLayout( lay );
//Handle Bluetooth button press.
function txtBT_OnTouchDown()
//Handle 'clear' button press.
function btnClear_OnClick()

MicroBitCtrl Methods

Clear() Clears LEDs to gray color.
SendLEDStates() Sends new LED states to micro:bit.
SetBluetoothState( connected ) If connected is true, then function sets Bluetooth indicator in blue color, if false, in gray color.
SetLED( x, y ) Sets LED in x and y position (range 0..4). It sets LED in red color.
ToggleLED( x, y ) Toggles LED in x and y position (range 0..4). It sets LED in red or gray color.
imgTouch_OnTouch( ev ) Custom LED array touch handler.


Send smiley face click to collapse contents

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Smile" );
  btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
function btn_OnTouch()
  microbit.SetLEDs( "0111010001001000010010001" );

Send scrolling texts

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  btn = app.CreateButton( "Send" );
  btn.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btn );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
function btn_OnTouch()
  microbit.ScrollText( "Hello", 150 );

If you want to receive messages from your micro:bit, then you will need to create a function to be called when new messages are available (a callback function). You can set the name of your function like this:

 microbit.SetOnReceive( MyFunc );

Detect button presses click to collapse contents

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  txt = app.CreateText( "Press a button on your micro:bit" );
  lay.AddChild( txt );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
  microbit.SetOnConnect( OnConnect );
function OnConnect()
  microbit.SetOnButton( OnButton );
function OnButton( name, state )
  txt.SetText( name + " : " + state );

Detect movement click to collapse contents

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  txt = app.CreateText( "Move your micro:bit" );
  lay.AddChild( txt );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
  microbit.SetOnConnect( OnConnect );
function OnConnect()
  microbit.SetOnMotion( OnMotion );
function OnMotion( x, y, z )
  txt.SetText( x + "," + y + "," + z );

You can also send programs to the micro:bit and have them run every time the micro:bit is powered up using the following methods (Advanced).

 microbit.SendCode( code );

See for more code samples that can be run directly on the micro:bit bit

Save code on the micro:bit click to collapse contents

app.LoadPlugin( "MicroBit" );
function OnStart()
  lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
  var code = "var text = 'Fred Blogs';\n" + 
  "g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(5,5,1);\n" +
  "g.flip = function(){show(this.buffer);};\n" +
  "var x = 0;\n" +
  "\n" + 
  "function draw()\n" +
  "{\n" +
  "if( x++ > text.length*5 ) x=0;\n" +
  "g.clear();\n" +
  "g.drawString( text, 5-x);\n" +
  "g.flip();\n" +
  "}\n" +
  "\n" + 
  txt = app.CreateTextEdit( code, 0.9, 0.7, "MultiLine" );
  lay.AddChild( txt );
  app.AddLayout( lay );
  btnSave = app.CreateButton( "Save", 0.3, 0.1 );
  btnSave.SetOnTouch( btnSave_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btnSave );
  btnReset = app.CreateButton( "Reset", 0.3, 0.1 );
  btnReset.SetOnTouch( btnReset_OnTouch );
  lay.AddChild( btnReset );
  microbit = app.CreateMicroBit();
function btnSave_OnTouch()
  microbit.SendCode( txt.GetText() );
function btnReset_OnTouch()


There is a separate article on Troubleshooting this plugin.

plugins/bbc_microbit.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 16:22 (external edit)